Start your afternoon with some inspiration!
It is easy to not see things that may be hindering your personal growth. Thats what best friends are for right? Well I had a an epiphany yesterday, thanks to my best friend. Expecting things from people leads to discontent. So why do we do that to ourselves? Why do we try to control a situation? If someone does not do what we expect is that a bad thing? Really think about that question. I did last night and this is what I came up with. Every person has is morals, goals, ideals and a specific way of thinking. I do not think any person is identical. I am so much different from my siblings and we all got brought up with the same teachings. The way I do things is not the same as my siblings nor do I always understand their thought process. Does that make my way of thinking more correct then theirs? NO! Trying to control every situation and every person with expectations is overall not healthy! In relationships with friends and potential mates this is so very important to understand. We cannot read each others minds or control each other actions. We do not know why people do things nor can we make someone do something they do not want to. I don't know about you but I definitely think the worst in some situations, causing problems or motives that were never there to begin with. I also try to control situation and have a specific way I think things should play out. This expecting and assuming people think the same way as me is hindering my growth when building relationships. Also, just because one person acted a certain way in the past doesn't mean everyone with similar actions has the same intensions.
I guess you are probably curious as to where all this is coming from. Well I have had less then ideal relationships in my past which resulted in me being a tad weary when trusting friends and potential mates. Since my past relationship I have made the mistake of expecting and assuming. Recently I have been proven wrong numerous times and now am going to make a conscious effort not to judge/expect people/situations on the past, expectations or negativity. Im going to learn to let it be.
So my challenge to you and myself is take off those gloomy glasses preventing you from enjoying the view of your life and see things for what they are not what you want them to be or what you expect to happen. Let go of control and let life happen! Its a beautiful journey!
People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset I don't find myself saying "Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner." I don't try to control the sunset. I watch in awe as it unfolds! (Thanks Carl Rogers for this quote!)
Here's to self growth!
Happy Thursday!
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