Month Overview

Thursday, July 30, 2015

A Hot Hot Yoga Sesh

Hot Yoga Success

So after my motivational rant yesterday I figured I should probably practise what I preach and I am glad I did! There is a great hot yoga studio not far from where I live so yesterday me and one of my girlfriends decided to go for a Traditional Hot Yoga class.  Its 75 minutes long and it's the hottest studio in Calgary! I used to do it all the time but haven't for awhile. Last time I did this class I struggled to get through it! I haven't done Hot yoga since my first 10 km race.

I was prepping to do some serious mental training, especially when it's been so long since i did it last. I went super early to make sure I got a spot I was comfortable with and could see m positions clearly in the mirror.  As the class started I was feeling pretty good in my body! I had my self talk prepared and was determined to listen closely to what my body needs without pushing myself to hard.  I focused on my breathing and was surprised at how good everything felt.  I did struggle with some postures due to my very tight muscles and the fact that i am not flexible at all!

Usually when the standing series ends I have had to slow down or lay down at least twice... This time I didn't have to.  When we finished our last posture in the standing series I was feeling great, not exhausted, not dizzy and not over heated. My friend had to lay down a couple times but did so amazing! She also had already done a spin class that morning so kudos to her for a full day of working out!

For the second half of the class I got through every posture, even pushing myself further then I have in any other hot yoga class. I did however struggle with camel pose.  I have no idea why but that one makes me dizzy every time!  Any thoughts on why because I am not sure at all!

By the end I felt revived and wonderful! I didn't have to use any mental tricks to get my through this time! Moral of the story is running has been strengthening my brain without even knowing it! I was so surprised because I thought that I would be using yoga to increase my mental strength when in turn running is helping as well! I think we are all stronger then we think we are!

So all of you who question your strength mental or physical remember that!
You are stronger then you think, you just need to believe in yourself!

Hope you all have an amazing Thursday!

I am me because of you!

I am me because of you! 

I was a terrible teenager, I like to think I was perfect prior to that but I cannot remember so don't quote me.  I do remember the amazing parties my parents would through for me and how much hard work my mom would put into making it perfect.  I also remember how much I looked forward to my birthdays in general, when i got home from school my mom would have a basket full of cosmetics and girly stuff that just made my birthday every year!

When I was younger my mother and I were not close.  I was the typical daddy's girl.  When I did anything from get a hair cut to modelling my dad was either there or heard about it instantly. I also tended to be slightly over dramatic... (maybe a little more than slightly). I am pretty sure I fought my mom on everything I could.  There was no way that I would just listen to her which looking back was not the smartest approach on things.  I do not know how she didn't just give me away.

As I got into high school and boys became high on my scale of importance dad and mom slowly started to change spots in my life.  My boyfriends would always be scared of my dad but my mom was always so sweet.  As reluctant as I was I knew I could talk to her about almost anything.  Even though I didn't through some times that I really should have.  Every time I remember asking her about anything she always had great insight.  This is pretty impressive because how on earth she kept my boyfriends who weren't really that consistent and my many friends straight is beyond me.  It really showed me how much she cared, its crazy how even though I was such a pain in the butt she always just wanted what was best for me. I would have never admitted it but I really looked up to her, I used to dance around to her music.  My top favourite would have to be "These boots are made for walking."

I was such a terrible teenage I even showed up with a puppy (more than once)! My dad had this vein that would pop out in his forehead every time he was really mad... I saw this a couple times when I would sneak out, run into his work truck,  and the list goes on.  My mom would get mad but she never had any throbbing veins.  I came home slightly intoxicated when I was 17 and I just remember sitting in the bathroom watching the flowers spin in the bathroom wallpaper as she gave me that look. She gave you a look that meant business and you just knew you probably shouldn't say much (even though I would mouth back occasionally). In this case I didn't... The room was already spinning so throwing up arguing sobriety wouldn't help my case at all.  Any time I got in trouble I would still hear what she would tell me and secretly contemplate its accuracy, never sharing when I did take her advice.

I had the opportunity to get into trouble many times in my life but I always had a kind heart and honest conscience that I learned from my mom.  I could never steal or tease people.  Even when I got the opportunity my mothers words of wisdom and lessons would stick in my head.  Many people never had that so I was very lucky.  I had this friend who passed away that was a little deviant at times. I was always his voice of reason until we ended up in separate schools. I wouldn't have been able to be his voice of reason without having my mom as mine. Even today when I see someone bagging for money my mother always told me to buy them an orange juice and a sandwich.  To this day I still do that.

My parents even supervised my graduation and safe grad! I had broke up with my boyfriend and went with my best friend.  This boyfriend didn't take it well and showed up with flowers and such prior to my actual date coming to get me.  My mother took pictures and was so pleasant helping lower the awkwardness of the whole situation.  That in itself was incredibly impressive.  As he left my actual date showed up and off we went.  The majority of the night was great until my ex boyfriend had a tad to much to drink... He decided that it was a good idea to approach me and make a bit of a scene.  I ran to the bathroom in tears (not mellow dramatic at all) and not two seconds behind me was my mother.  I was a mess, two coolers and a little relationship drama can do that to you. She knew just what to do.  She grabbed my arms and told me to pull myself together.  She gave me some lip gloss (this is essential in the Symborski household) and sent me back out to the party. I had an amazing time and that wouldn't have been the case without my mom.  She always knew just what I needed, more then myself most days!

As I graduated high school and moved away from the life and friends that I had based the last 17 years on.  Just to elaborate on that, I was always surrounded by my friends, they were my be all end all.  I didn't put my focus into really much besides them and living in a small town my friends were consistent right through. When I moved I was so sad, talking to my friends ALOT.  $700 phone bill kind of lot.  After I got a little more settled, I had a couple months that I spent time with my family before school started.  Although I doubt I ever really told her I would have been so depressed through that time without her.  My mom is so great, she even went searching for friends for me.  She set me up a play date (at 17 years old) with a friends son which turned out not to last but it got me out of the house.  I felt so bad for her, I had an ex boyfriend (same one as prom, he was persistent) that didn't exactly accept the whole break up process and decided to surprise me.  I came home to find him gardening with my mother. I wish I would have had a picture of it, it was priceless.  She kept the situation neutral until he left, letting me know how painfully awkward it was.

From there I had some less then ideal relationships and challenges that I would never would have been able to accomplish without her.  I did a pageant that she helped me train for, she even would work out with me, try on dresses with me and be there whenever I needed anything even if it was just some lip gloss or a vent session when I was giving up on myself.  There were times my mom would pull tough love on me but honestly it was what I needed.  Once again she knew what I needed.  Through university my mom was my best friend.  Im sure there were times we would disagree especially when she would vacuum at 9am on a Saturday morning (the depressing thing is now i am the person that does that).

Most recently I had the incident that I lost part of my finger.  When they heard what happened my parents got to Calgary in record time.  My mom helped me through the whole situation, forcing me to eat something as tears ran down my face.  When I am upset my whole body gets upset and in turn I vere away from eating, which isn't the greatest way to help with a tough situation.  I don't think anyone can make good decisions on an empty stomach. From there my mom dropped everything in her life and stayed with me for a week.  I was so upset and sore.  I didn't want to move.  My mom took me to the salon where she got my hair done.  It was the greatest thing in the world, I fell asleep in my chair and woke up looking like great and feeling like I could move forward.  Once again my mom knew exactly what I needed.  From there she knew how uncomfortable I was with my missing finger tip so she made me these great finger gloves that not only helped with phantom pain but also helped build my confidence.

She also encourages me daily to keep up with my running and just her as a person helps me stay on track in the running and health scene.  Even when she is feeling down she is the first person to go out of her way to try and pump up people to better themselves.  She is also my biggest cheerleader and the most supportive mom ever! Plus she is pretty fast so it helps me go faster with my slight competitive edge!

She recently lost her mom suddenly to heart disease which was so sad because her mom was a true inspiration as well.  I can see where my mom got all of her amazing qualities! Through this not only was she selfless and strong but never once veered from who she was.  Sometimes when you go through a traumatic event you lose yourself.  Her mother would be so very proud of her and she was truly an inspiration through it all.

I could write for days about all the things may mom has done for me but its turning into quite the blog so I will skip to the moral of the story.

Through life I believed you are blessed with certain people that truly have an impact in your life.  I know there were times I didn't like me and the fact that through that all my mom loved me all through it amazes me.  The funniest part of it all is techniques she used to help me through all of countless crisis's I now do to help my friends or siblings when the situation arises.  I have been able to grow and help be a better person though it. Wow right? I'm 29 and finally get it... well kind of.

If one day I can be half the mom my mother is I would consider it a huge accomplishment.  My mom is my best friend, my inspiration and one of the most amazing women I have ever met.  I know this is a little late for the whole mothers day thing and even for her birthday but I feel so grateful everyday for my mom.

I am me because of her! Love you Momma!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Half Marathon Psychological Training

Getting My Brain Into It!

Over the past couple days I have read a lot of articles in regards to the mental aspect of running.  I found this great article on marathon mental training and am going to use it to add to my half marathon training regime.  I will still be running a marathon within the next 12 months but do not see any harm in training my brain to increase my race efficiency.

This training program is based on three aspects of mental training:

  1. Mental rehearsal and visualization
  2. Imagery
  3. Self-Talk
This is all solely based on the internal struggle associated with endurance running or really any tasks that may take a little extra motivation to get through. 

I didn't realize how much mental toughness plays in difficult tasks until i started doing hot yoga.  Firstly I think i need to point out how inflexible i am.  Its to the loin it is almost embarrassing.  I try but still cannot touch my toes.  Yoga to being with was unbelievably hard. Add 105 degrees Fahrenheit and it doesn't get any easier.  The first time I did it i went with my sister and her boyfriend who are like gods when it comes to yoga, dance, fitness and flexibility.  They dance for Shumka and are absolutely amazing at it!

As I struggle to straighten my legs in downward dog they are working on how to increase stretch ad advance the pose... Awesome. Don't get me wrong i love them and to tell you the truth this helped increase my drive to want to get better.  The second time I went to hot yoga I went alone unknowingly going into the hottest studio in Calgary.  I was lucky to get an amazing instructor that personally struggled with flexibility.  As I worked through the postures I consistently had to remind myself that I could do it.  It also helped that the instructor was super motivational too.  By the last standing posture my mind had decided that I didn't want to do this anymore and I had to block that out and reassure myself as my mind fought me to quit.  I won! I did it! I didn't give up on myself and when i finished the feeling of accomplishment was overwhelming that I had a little proud cry (secretly in my jeep afterwards of course).  If I can do 70 minutes of yoga in that heat without giving up on myself then I should be able to do anything!

I have continued to do hot yoga but not as frequently as I would like. I think this would be very beneficial for me in my mental training as well as physical training. I am going to increase it to at least once a week rather then once every couple weeks. 

No back to running! For this mental training plan I have to start by making process goals and outcome goals. Process goals are based on the training where outcome goals focus more on race day.

Here are mine:

Process Goals:
  1. Stick to my training plan
    1. Yoga (Once or twice a week)
    2. Cross Training (twice a week)
    3. Running 3 times weekly (minimum)
      1. Pace
      2. Hill
      3. Long Run
    4. Weight training (when doing cross training)
  2. Eat healthy more consistently 
  3. Get more sleep
  4. Read before I go to bed
  5. Smile while I run
Outcome Goals:
  1. Breaking two hours in the half marathon
  2. Negative split
Now how am I going to complete this?

Firstly, I am going to start attending the wednesday night running club or Sunday running club at the running room.  I think this may help me find a coach and/or give me a little more direction into improving my running. Secondly I am going to do my long runs in a place of beauty! There is a beautiful lake in town and I think this would be a great environment to run. As my miles increase I may have to expand this location but for now this would be a nice place to run.  Its honestly beautiful! During this long run I am going to work on my mental strategies.  These are some that I read about:
  1. Smile 😁
  2. Self talk
    1. Reminding myself I can do it
    2. If it was easy everyone would do it
    3. If i quit i will be disappointed in myself
    4. The last ten percent in the hardest
    5. In one more hour this run will be done
  3. Pre set music list
    1. Motivational tunes every 3rd song
      1. Fight Song
      2. Believe
    2. Good sing along songs
  4. Visualization
    1. Picture myself running the half marathon
    2. Picture the finish line
    3. Picture how amazing its going to feel to finish
    4. Picture all my cheerleaders in the sidelines
    5. Picture my grandparents cheering for me at the end
  5. Imagery
    1. Imagine I am prepping for the Olympics as top runner
    2. Imagine that running is effortless
    3. Imagine being the first in the race
So that't my plan! Hope it helps you if you are trying to work on mental preparation for a race! If you have any tips they are always appreciated! 

And don't forget If it were easy everyone would do it!  ❤️❤️

Thanks Pinterest for the great quo

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July Flew By!

Where on earth is this summer going!

Looking back on the past couple months I cannot believe how crazy things have been! My last post was about my run the first week in July so here is an update on the rest of the month! 

My best friend got married!

To start off my very best friend got married on July 18th! I was the Maid of honour so it was a busy couple weeks for me! I am so glad that I got the opportunity to help make this day special for them though.  My best friend is the sweetest, most kind heart and stunning women I have ever met in my entire life.  Everyone says this about their best friends but honestly no one beats her.  I honestly don't know what I would do without her.  She is supportive, honest and i know i can always count on her. She truly makes my life better! 

Now her hubby is quite the gem too! He is a truly amazing guy and always looks out for her.  He has two amazing kids as well.  They are so great I love them all!

The wedding went by flawlessly! The bride was breath taking as you can see and it couldn't have been a more perfect day! 

I even caught the bouquet!

I cross trained like a champ!

I have been working really hard at incorporating weights and other activities into my training program and although its tough I am starting to really enjoy it.  Running is still my favourite though!
I know my training plan keeps changing but I am trying to figure out works best with my body.  Does anyone else find that its hard to figure out which areas you need work on and what exercises work best for you?

Here is what I have been doing:

Monday, Wednesday:  
20 minutes of yoga before bed
30 minutes on the bike, stair master or elliptical

2 sets of each exercise
15 weighted squats (15 pounds)
15 Deadlift backrows (10 pounds)
20 Bridge with chest press
12 wood choppers on each side (10 pounds)
15 reverse fly (10 pounds)
10 split squats on each side (10 pounds)
10 side lunges on each side (10 pounds)
10 lawn mowers on each side (10 pounds)
15 push ups
60 second plank
50 crunches

15 minute warm up run
9 .25 mile sprints

5 mile run

Long run (trying to get up to 10 miles but its harder then it sounds)

Any input or add ons are really appreciated!

I am a little behind on my half marathon training so I may have to put off my first half marathon to the Okanagon Run in October! 

A night out with some of my favourite people!

On Saturday night my I went out with 4 of some of my favourite people! We went to Yuk Yuks which was hilarious then to 1410 (a pub in the city).  I was really fun!

My moms birthday!

My mom is busy moving right now so we didn't get to celebrate but a huge shoutout to my amazing mother! What a great women and inspiration in both general life and running! If i can even be half the women she is I would consider that a huge accomplishment! Cannot wait for our next race! I am hope to do another 10k in August but have to figure out which day works best!

As much as I would like to think my life is exciting that is honestly all that has happened since my post at the beginning of the month! Time flies when you are having fun!

Hope you are all having an amazing month and summer!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Stampede Road Race: Race Weekend Overview

Race Weekend Overview

This weekend was one for the books, not only was it successful but it truly was a blast!

The Thursday night began with a great run! I did a 45:00 minute pace run! I did this on the treadmill keeping a base speed of 7.5, picking up to 9!  I always get bored on the treadmill so 45 minutes seemed like awhile and I found myself counting down the minutes.  I was lucky to have my mom on the treadmill next to me cheering me on. Any tips on how to stay entertained on the treadmill?  Or any good songs that would add some excitement to my runs?

I continued my night with a great night on the golf course.  This is the first time I have actually pulled out my clubs in a year! Although it started off a little rough I ended up getting back into the swing of things.  We opted to not keep score... That being said it may have taken us a little over three hours for 9 holes.  Hopefully next time we can cut that one in half! Overall it was a really great time!

Friday morning I began my day with a long walk with my dog.  He loves to outside but its to hot for him to go later in the day.  For short runs and walks he is the best little addition to my adventures!
I followed my walk with coffee with a great new addition to my life.... I'm not going to elaborate here just yet but more details are to come!

I spent my afternoon house shopping with my mother! They are moving to Calgary for August 1st and want something perfect. We found a couple great area's and running paths! The great part is that they found a house they love! Success!

We finished our day off our day with a The Spy! I do not remember the last time I went to the theatre so it was a nice change of things and a great way to end my night!  The movie was actually quite entertaining! My parents love Mellissa McCarthy so they got a kick out of it!  Family time is always the best!

I spent my Saturday hydrating and eating healthy for my race on Sunday.  I did some cleaning and spent the rest of the day relaxing!  How do you spend the day before your race?  What are your favourite things to eat? Here is what I had for my meals!


1 Banana
Oatmeal with one teaspoon of brown sugar

Breakfast smoothie:  
Mixed berries, 
A scoop of Vega Vanilla Protein, 
Teaspoon of Flax Seed, 
1.5 cups of  coconut water


One boiled egg
Assorted Peppers
Shredded Carrots
Red Onions
One teaspoon of ranch dressing


Brown Rice
Boiled Chicken Breast
Cooked peppers, broccoli, mushrooms, red onions
Side of Siracha


That leads me to race day!!! I woke up at 6 am and was excited but not nearly as excited as usual, I showered off and had breakfast (same as day before) along with one litre of water.  This was the first race I ran without my parents so this one would be more of an internally driven race then any before. The day was a little cold and windier then I have seen in years! I put on a bit of a warmer outfit then planned and headed to the race! 

Once I got to the race I searched for water but couldn't really find any then spent my last 15 minutes just enjoying the atmosphere. 

The countdown began and I still didn't have my usually excitement but I perked myself up and started my music.  I took off with a bit of slower initial stride but aimed to keep a relatively steady pace of 04:48 per km throughout! There were quite a few hill this time which slowed me down and that wind was hard to break through! Between the cold air and wind the conditions were no ideal.  I had to even slow down for some water! 

As I came around the corner I picked up my pace to go through what I thought was the finish line! As I went through the arch I realized I still had about 3/4 of a kilometre to go.  It took me a second to pick up my pace again but swiftly crossed the finish line at 00:46:16.20.  I was 65th to finished 6th in my category.  My next goal is to complete a 10k in 45 minutes. My next race is on July 25th so I am hoping to make it happen! 

Hope everyone else had an amazing weekend no matter what they did! 

The quote that really feels to fit in my life right now is from Janine Ripper saying "I am exactly where I need to be right now." 

Although I have had a rough go I am feeling quite good in my life and really looking forward to making even more progress in the months to come! 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Cycling eh?!

Some Questions on Cycling!

When I was about 14 years old I biked everywhere... Since then I have biked zero places.  It was always so refreshing and fun! Plus I lived by the mountains so the view was always amazing! I guess the fact that it was my only personal form of transpirations besides walking probably played a role in it all as well. Now that I have a car and a new love for running I do not even remember the last time I rode a bike.  A couple months ago I did do one spin class and actually enjoyed it but got so busy I could only fit in my running for the last bit.  Yesterday was my rest day but I really felt like working out so figured I would give the stationary bike a try.

Did I mention I have no idea what I am doing in this area?

My plan was to do 30 minutes a descent speed.  I have no idea what a descent speed is on a bike or what level to choose. I chose level 10 and aimed to keep my RPM above 70.  I did occasional 30 second to 1 minute bursts where I would push as hard as I could. My legs did hurt occasionally but I really am not sure if it was a good workout or not.

Here are some of my questions in that area... All input is appreciated!

  1. What distance is good to aim for when training for a half marathon?
  2. What RPM is what you should aim to stay above?
  3. How long do you do bursts are standing?
  4. What do you do to kill time because biking is a tad boring?
  5. Should I just go to a spin class instead of doing it on my own?

Moral of the story is I will do the whole biking thing but I am not happy about it.  I am open to tips make it a more enjoyable and beneficial experience though!