Month Overview

Monday, July 6, 2015

Cycling eh?!

Some Questions on Cycling!

When I was about 14 years old I biked everywhere... Since then I have biked zero places.  It was always so refreshing and fun! Plus I lived by the mountains so the view was always amazing! I guess the fact that it was my only personal form of transpirations besides walking probably played a role in it all as well. Now that I have a car and a new love for running I do not even remember the last time I rode a bike.  A couple months ago I did do one spin class and actually enjoyed it but got so busy I could only fit in my running for the last bit.  Yesterday was my rest day but I really felt like working out so figured I would give the stationary bike a try.

Did I mention I have no idea what I am doing in this area?

My plan was to do 30 minutes a descent speed.  I have no idea what a descent speed is on a bike or what level to choose. I chose level 10 and aimed to keep my RPM above 70.  I did occasional 30 second to 1 minute bursts where I would push as hard as I could. My legs did hurt occasionally but I really am not sure if it was a good workout or not.

Here are some of my questions in that area... All input is appreciated!

  1. What distance is good to aim for when training for a half marathon?
  2. What RPM is what you should aim to stay above?
  3. How long do you do bursts are standing?
  4. What do you do to kill time because biking is a tad boring?
  5. Should I just go to a spin class instead of doing it on my own?

Moral of the story is I will do the whole biking thing but I am not happy about it.  I am open to tips make it a more enjoyable and beneficial experience though!

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