Beating the post run blues!
When I first started running I always heard about the "Post Run Blues" after goal races and never really put much thought into it. For those of you who haven't had your big run I hate to break it to you but it is real! But I promise you can get through it!For those of you who are in the same boat as I am in here are some things I found helpful in combatting that blues!
1) Celebrate the small things! Give yourself a huge pat on the back you have accomplished a big goal! Considering the last 10% is always the hardest you should celebrate! If that means going for a nice dinner, buying yourself a new outfit, going to the spa or just taking a day off do it for you! You deserve it!
2) Take a couple days before you set another big goal and relax. For those of you who are like me I could only do a couple days of not running. I spent the weekend with my boyfriend and his family in BC which was beautiful! I highly recommend spending some time in BC it is breath taking!

3) After a big run its easy to lose motivation to run.. To combat that join a running club! I signed up to coach a 5 km running clinic with the running room! Three times a week I am running with a group of 10 amazing ladies helping them reach their running goals. Not only is this a way to keep up with my own running but I am helping people! It is an amazing feeling and such a great opportunity! I highly recommend it! Even if you don't coach, join a clinic in your area and get out there. The social dynamic is so uplifting and helpful to get out of your slump!
4) Make a big goal! My next goal is a Marathon! I am going to do my very first marathon on May 29th in Calgary. The Scotia bank Marathon is not only is a goal that is far enough away that I can train to have a good time but alsoI will have a great cheer team here to help me through that long run!
5) Make a couple short term goals! And stick to them! I made some little ones that are going to help me stay busy and not lose my drive this winter!
- Run a sub 20:00 5 km race (December 31st with my running clinic)
- Start doing yoga once a week! (Hot yoga is delightful especially when its chilly outside)
- Try something new every week! This week I am going to do a weight class so that should be interesting!
6) Update that playlist! I have been running to the same music forever! So update that list it not only makes me look forward to my next workout but also it helps me get excited for those long and short term goals!
7) Be grateful! I am working to start every morning grateful! As soon as I wake up instead of putting off getting up or coming up with excuses why i don't want to get up to that annoying alarm I am going to think of three things I am thankful for! Its an amazing way to start your day!
So those are how I am getting through my post race blues! If anyone has any other tips I would love to hear them!
I hope you are all having a great week and if you have the blues hopefully this helps you push through!
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