Month Overview

Friday, May 29, 2015

Smile though your heart is aching...

Smile though your heart is aching...

This blog entry is going to be a slight poor me blog so if you aren't up for that I don't recommend reading on and appreciate all of you who choose to read on.

The last couple days have been a mix between great positives and crippling negatives.

Lets start with the positives..  I had my first performance review at my job and it went amazing.  Not only was my employer very happy with my performance but he gave me a raise! What a great way to start my week right!? I also had some really great runs! I took yesterday off and did a 75 minute hot yoga class, which was amazing as well! I started listening to motivational audiobooks while I work and have also found them to enhance my day to day life.  In all the positives this week were good ones especially coming up on my ten kilometre run this Sunday. On that note I am looking for some music to put on my run playlist if anyone has any suggestions!

Now for the negatives.... Well my Grandfather is 86 years old and his heart is not very strong.  He has been in and out of the hospital since my grandmother died in November.  In March the doctors transferred my grandpa into the hospice and said he was on his last days of life.  We all said our goodbyes, it was heartbreaking. To top it off we had to do this over the phone because we were at our maternal grandmothers funeral.... What a year right? My Grandpa exceeded expectations and not only survived up to now but has felt better then he has in years.  He has been exercising, spending time with us and all in all loving life.  This Saturday my grandpa checked himself out of the hospice and moved into a Seniors resort outside of town.  He was so excited! It was a miracle! His first night was Monday and unfortunately Wednesday he had trouble breathing and was brought back into the hospital.  The doctors let us know that as much as we would like to say things are great my grandpa is dying and they don't know how much time he has. I understand that it is a part of life but I really love my grandpa and although I don't want him to suffer I would love to have him around as long as possible. I also have already lost both of my grandmothers in the past six months and would really love to not lose another grandparent this year.  I know this may sound selfish but loss is a horrible thing and this year has taken more from me then I can even bare.

The second negative event of my week is surrounded by my recently rehomed dog.  I have had her since the second she was born and unfortunately in March her and my other dog got into a fight.  This fight was brought on by unforeseen circumstances and resulted in me losing the tip of my finger and multiple other wounds. It was not fair to her to keep her when I was now timid around her so I sought a new home for her.  The girl that adopted her said that she had experience with aggressive breeds and knew she needed extra special care, training and observation.  Unfortunately, an incident involving lack of observing and leaving her unattended resulted in another preventable but negative event.  My poor she was terrified and is now in limbo between finding another new home or being put down.  Because of my history with her and my love for this dog I am heartbroken and the girl now wants me to take her back.  I am trying to think of the most responsible actions to take from here. The thought of taking her life due to bad ownership completely breaks my heart.

I believe that there is something to learn in every situation and usually I can pick out what that lesson is.  Now I am not sure.  What on earth could this year be trying to teach me?  Any input is appreciated.  Since November I have lost two grandmother's, a dog, a finger tip, a few friends, I have had multiple tenant issues, multiple unforeseen costs that have prevented me from reaching my goals and a lost relationship.  What on earth is this supposed to teach me?

So that has been my week (and year)... a true mix of positives and negatives.  Today I am feeling stuck and am having a hard time not to dwell on the negatives.  My motivation to see through the dark clouds that are hovering is wearing thin.

Last night in yoga the instructor spoke on perspective, its truly how you look at things.  In hot yoga when they turn down the lights it is crazy how much cooler it feels even though the temperature hasn't changed whatsoever.  She also said that when you smile it makes the harder positions in hot yoga. The same must be true in everyday life.  Today I am going to take this tip and see if it helps me with the obstacles I am facing right now.

The quote i think I am going with for this comes right from Nat King Cole!  "Smile though your heart is breaking."

I always like to end things on a positive note so this is how I am going to get through this series of unfortunate events... Take things day by day, don't dwell and always look for the positive.  I'm also going to run my little heart out on Sunday while raising money for The Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Wish me luck on all of this and I hope all of you who are going through tough times can smile through your day too!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Keep Calm It's Almost Race Day!

Getting close to race day!

I have read that the week before you run you should only do two 30 minute runs (when a 10km run) the week ahead and no runs the day before the race.  So here is what my game plan of the week is. let me know if you notice anything that i should change.  I honestly would like to run a little the day before but I don't want to push my luck!

Sunday: Long run (10.6 km)
Monday:  Hills Baby! (5.5 km)
Tuesday: Morning 30  minute run!
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 1 hours of hot yoga!
Friday: 30 Minute Morning Run!
Saturday: Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate
Sunday: 730am Race Day! Whoop Whoop!

I am really excited about this run because it is another step in the successful completion of a marathon!  Also at this race my sister is coming to meet me at the finish line! I am so excited about this one because i never see her and two because i am slightly competitive and she will give me a little extra push for the final km!  Does anyone have any tips on how to keep enough energy to make that last kilometre fast and not mentally painful? That is my biggest worry in the scheme of things.

Here are some things I am going to try this race to see if it helps!

  1. Better Music
    1. Two good pump up songs to end the playlist
    2. Bounce between fast and medium paced music to make sure I don't burn out but don't lose momentum.
  2. Jelly Beans!
    1. Energy Jelly beans from the running room before the race and a couple in my pocket just incase I need a little kick.
  3. Eat like crazy on Saturday!
    1. Not only am i going to carb up on Saturday but I am going to make sure I have food close to bed so I am still fuelled for my 7 30am run!
  4. Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate
    1. Yes I know I always do this but I am going to do it to the max this time!
  5. 1 litre of water an hour before the race
    1. Im going to get up at 6 and drink a bunch of water
    2. Im also going to make sure I pee before the race!
  6. Morning smoothie!
    1. 6 am pre race smoothie with banana's for energy!
  7. One cup of coffee
    1. Im only going to have one cup of coffee right at 6 so I have time to pee before the race.
  8. Run for me!
    1. Yes I am competitive and yes I get pumped when people cheer.  I am gong to make sure that I think of my body and me through the whole run.  I want to make sure that I focus on accomplishing my goal for me.  I think the positive energy and self drive will push me to an overall successful race!
Well there is my update for now! Can't wait for race day but i will keep calm because its almost race day!!!

Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday Life Inspiration

Start your afternoon with some inspiration!

It is easy to not see things that may be hindering your personal growth.  Thats what best friends are for right?  Well I had a an epiphany yesterday, thanks to my best friend. Expecting things from people leads to discontent.  So why do we do that to ourselves?  Why do we try to control a situation? If someone does not do what we expect is that a bad thing?  Really think about that question. I did last night and this is what I came up with.  Every person has is morals, goals, ideals and a specific way of thinking.  I do not think any person is identical.  I am so much different from my siblings and we all got brought up with the same teachings.  The way I do things is not the same as my siblings nor do I always understand their thought process.  Does that make my way of thinking more correct then theirs?  NO! Trying to control every situation and every person with expectations is overall not healthy! In relationships with friends and potential mates this is so very important to understand. We cannot read each others minds or control each other actions. We do not know why people do things nor can we make someone do something they do not want to.  I don't know about you but I definitely think the worst in some situations, causing problems or motives that were never there to begin with.  I also try to control situation and have a specific way I think things should play out. This expecting and assuming people think the same way as me is hindering my growth when building relationships.  Also, just because one person acted a certain way in the past doesn't mean everyone with similar actions has the same intensions.

I guess you are probably curious as to where all this is coming from.  Well I have had less then ideal relationships in my past which resulted in me being a tad weary when trusting friends and potential mates. Since my past relationship I have made the mistake of expecting and assuming. Recently I have been proven wrong numerous times and now am going to make a conscious effort not to judge/expect people/situations on the past, expectations or negativity. Im going to learn to let it be.

So my challenge to you and myself is take off those gloomy glasses preventing you from enjoying the view of your life and see things for what they are not what you want them to be or what you expect to happen. Let go of control and let life happen! Its a beautiful journey!

People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset I don't find myself saying "Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner." I don't try to control the sunset. I watch in awe as it unfolds! (Thanks Carl Rogers for this quote!)

Here's to self growth!

Happy Thursday!

Let's Get Physical!

Full Training Schedule

In my extensive reading I have found that it is essential to cross train I think I put together a fairly good schedule when it comes to strengthening my body for my big run.  I am also choosing Saturday as an off day. I am open to input though! I also am doing daily ab workout because it is bikini body season!

Running Schedule (Changes periodically as I increase my distance): 

  1. Monday: 8 km Steady Run
  2. Wednesday: 5 km Pace Run 
  3. Friday: 5 km Hill Run
  4. Sunday: 11 km Long Run

Ab Workout (Daily)
3 Sets 12 Reps of each

  1. Crunches
  2. Table top crunches with a twist
  3. Hip Drops
  4. Bicycle Crunches
  5. 30 Second Plank
  6. 30 Second Side Plank

Arm Workout (Running Days)
3 Sets 8 Reps of each (slowly progressing weight)
  1. Standing V Raise
  2. Shoulder Press
  3. Rotating Tricep Kickbacks
  4. Pike Walk Pushup Combo
  5. Airplane Extension
  6. Crescent Lunge
  7. Pushup
  8. T Pushup
Ab Workout (Daily)
3 Sets 12 Reps of each

  1. Crunches
  2. Table top crunches with a twist
  3. Hip Drops
  4. Bicycle Crunches
  5. 30 Second Plank
  6. 30 Second Side Plank

Butt/Legs Workout (Alternating with running days)
3 Sets 12 Reps of Each
  1. Bridge
  2. Back Lunges
  3. Side Lunges
  4. Plie Squat
  5. Squat
  6. One leg squat
  7. Calf raises
  8. Bench Step Ups
Cycle  (45 minutes once a week (Tuesday), alternating speed and level)

Elliptical (45 minutes once a week (Thursday), alternating speed and level)

So here it is the schedule for the next 20 weeks of my life of course with increase in weights, reps and distance.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Found My Pace!

Each week you are supposed to do one fast run, one hill run and one long run. Monday I did my long rung with my running buddy and my dog! It was truly a great run! The sun was shining, I was outside, I had a great sleep and I was ready to run! We planned for 8 km since we had my dog.  This run was full of different terrain (road, cement, hills, pathways and grass).  It was really great to work through the pain in my legs that still lingered from my slightly intense hill training day on Saturday! The even better part is that I am even less sore today, I really feel like the run helped my mood and my recovery.  We did our 8.4 km run at a relaxed pace of between 5.5 and 6.5 minute kilometres.  We really took in the environment and enjoyed every minute.  We could have ran forever at this pace and in this environment. I have read that advanced runners find a pace that they can run comfortably and distance no longer is a challenge.  Although I am pretty sure I still have a lot of training to do before distance is no longer a challenge I felt that I could run forever.  Even when we finished we weren't exhausted only the dog was ready for a nap.

Bear also isn't great at looking at the camera, even with direction..... 

Here are the things I learned from this run:
  1. If you get to a pace that is in between pushing yourself and still holding a comfortable conversation is the best pace to do long distances. 
  2. Hydrate the day prior and you won't get cramps.
  3. Enjoy the scenery! It was a beautiful day and we ran right by the reservoir which was breathtaking. (Both literally and physically since we were running).
  4. Drink a smoothie about an hour and a half prior to your run! It gives you a little push when you need it. 

I have 20 weeks (about) till my first marathon so I am working on cross training as well. Any tips on strength exercises that may improve my running (endurance and speed)? 

Running an easy 30 minutes today and cross training tomorrow so any tips would be greatly appreciated. 

The only thing I can really describe my long run is one word BEAUTIFUL.  It was truly a great refreshing run and I loved every minute of it!

Hope you all have an amazing Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tune Into You

Running With No Destination

When I think of running on the treadmill it was my impression that this would be easier in comparison to running outside. On a treadmill, you can control incline, speed and in many cases temperature. This past week the weather sucked so I was forced to do my running inside... We even got in one spin class that was a blast!

Day 1 I ran on the treadmill for half an hour. Easy right?  Wrong!  I had the incline up to 2 (not high at all) and then kept it at a speed of between 5 and 8.  I struggled through the run and only ended up going 2.9 miles (including my warm up).  I decided to give it another shot for hill training because well hill training is not fun even without rain. Any advice on treadmill running?  Does anyone else lack motivation on a treadmill?

Day 2 I ran on a hill training setting for 3.2 km.  Doesn't that sound like a pile of fun! You are wrong once again however I felt a tad more motivated this time because I knew that I just had about 30 minutes of fun ahead of me.  These hills were easy to prep for and I was cheering myself on like a champ! I made it through without even cutting out early! I have found that raising my knees a little higher when running hills helps (Thanks for the advice mom!). Does anyone have any other tips on pacing yourself or keeping speed without losing drive post hill?

I did feel a little under motivated when I started and I have came to the conclusion I am much happier running outside.  I like running with a destination! I like knowing where I am going or being surrounded by beauty not machines, televisions and fans.  I have found that as I run more frequently it is a great escape from technology and really get the chance to focus on me.  I think this is why I dislike the treadmill so much.  I am surrounded by technology and my soul doesn't get as much out of my run.

So my moral of this is I like running outside however hill training on a treadmill is tolerable!

My quote for those runs would have to be "Tune into you." Thats what I needed to do and really to each their own but I tune best into myself in nature.  How do you tune into you?

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday "Undo List"

My Undo List

I saw this post on Project Happiness's Facebook Page that challenged people to make an undo list. This list isn't based on regrets but things you would like to cut out of your life. I think this is a great thing because I make todo lists on a daily basis, why not have a list of things I don't want to do. So here is my list:
  1. The past... Let it go already! 
  2. Over Emphasis of Others opinions. 
  3. External Forgiveness.  Don't forgive someone to their face until you forgive them in your heart! 
  4. Energy Zapping Food and People. I totally stole this one from Project Happiness but they are good ones! Who needs stuff and people that take away from you! Add people only for me please!
  5. Complaining! What do you accomplish by complaining?  In my opinion you are feeding negativity! 
  6. Regret. We have all done things we aren't proud of.  
  7. Putting Others First. Of course it is nice to be able to do things for other people but I have learned that if you fill your cup with everyone else's you have no room for you.  Take care of yourself first, its not selfish its necessary!
  8. Overthinking/overanalyzing.  Websters dictionary defines "Over" as forward beyond an edge or brink and often down.  Why go over the ledge! When it comes to negative thinking and analyzing you aren't doing anyone any favours. You will create problems that don't even exist. 
  9. Self Doubt.  If you don't believe in yourself who else will!
  10. Judgement. You have no idea what anyone else is going through so stop judging them.
There you have it! My UnDo list! I recommend you all try to do it and try to keep it up! I am going to!

Have a great Wednesday!

Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate

Must Need More Water!

Yesterday I had quite the day! Not only did I run 4km but I also did one hour of spin and then 30 minutes of stretching/core strength exercises! What an exciting day right! The day before I even hydrated like a champ and went bed early.  Unfortunately I had two glasses of wine with dinner and apparently that makes a different in my run! Needless to say my run was not my best! Not only did I get cramps but I had no motivation! I know everyones bodies are different but I have came to the conclusion that my body does not like alcohol! I can only imagine what it does to your body if after the abundance of water I drink it still impacts my potential the next day! So with the many other life improvements I am going to decease my alcohol consumption. I don't drink much as it is but I am now going to make sure I drink even less.

Here are the stats from our lunchtime run:

Distance: 3.98 km
Duration: 22.23 minutes
Pace:5.4 min/km
Max Speed: 15 kph

See what I mean when I say it wasn't my best! I guess they can't always be great! I am hoping today will be a little better I will be doing 5 km hopefully with a tad better time and pace.

My insight for the day is well everything you do in the day prior plays a role in your following day workout! So keep that in mind when you are working out! Also just remember the struggle you're in today is developing strength you need for tomorrow!

Wish me luck on my 5k today!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

5.5 Km of Success

My First 5 Km Race!

So I made sure I was in bed by 11pm the night before, ate pasta for dinner and hydrated like a champ!  What else does one need?  A playlist is what I needed I rushed around in the morning trying to throw together a playlist for my run.  If anyone has any input on good running tracks I would love your input!

Since it is my first 5 km race i am going to give you a play by play...

I woke up at 7 am and well I am a morning person so I was quite excited about the race.  I danced around to a little Carly Rae Jepson and woke up my parents who were staying with me.  I may or may not have jumped on their bed and screamed "Race Day". I continued to do the same for my racing buddy! He didn't answer but he received the same treatment when he called me back! Sharing my enthusiasm of course!

I ran downstairs and made a great smoothie for all of us and chugged water as I picked out my fastest looking outfit! I tend to be a tad OCD with prepping for events so I had everyones shirts ready with they numbers pinned to the front. 

We got to the race venue a tad early but I loved to enjoy the festivities as it was for such a good cause! Also I wanted to take one hundred pictures! Here are a couple post run pics!

Can you feel my excitement! 

We lined up and I made sure we were close to the front.  I also made sure everyone had their shoes double knotted because no one wants to stop to tie shoes! They thanked me for it later!

The gun shot was fired and we took off! Me and my running buddy stayed close for the first while, I felt really good.  I felt hydrated and as I dodged people to get ahead in the pack I was feeling really optimistic about this run.  I had driven the so called route the night before and there were no real hills, it was going to be a breeze. WRONG!

I saw the first hill and was ok with it, I have extremely long legs so if I run pulling my knees up I can gain momentum (Thanks Mom for that tip).   My running buddy kept up the hill and once I kept that momentum I lost him, however my little momma pinched my side.  She had caught up! I think i am lucky I didn't get a good poke in my stomach because I am pretty sure my core was not engaged!  Mom and I ran next to each other till the last kilometre and up two more hills!  I lost momentum on the last one! Note to self do not get cocky at the beginning and prep for a big finish.  I did not do that.   At the one kilometre mark my phone said I had almost ran 5km which was weird but I kept going.  My mom told me not to wait for her and go ahead.  As the crowed cheered I flew through the finish line.  I am disappointed I didn't sprint to my full potential as my poor legs were not loving me and the last hill had taken a tole on my energy level!

The results were in! I was scared to look but as I passed through the sea of people I stopped my phone tracker and these were my results:

Distance: 5.47 Km
Duration: 27.09 minutes
Calories: 323
Average pace: 4.58 minute per km
Average speed: 12.1 kph
Max speed: 16 kph (way slower then my previous run!)

I am really pleased with this for my first run especially since I ran with my mom for a good 2 km and didn't push myself for that period or the last 100 m.  I am excited to see what I can do if I push myself a little harder.

The results on the website is a tad different.... (Their distance is off, they even messed up my ranking and number with my dad, it even still has his gender ranking so I did it myself).

Duration: 26.25 minutes
Pace: 5.14 minutes per km
Overal Ranking: 69 out of 2693
Gender Ranking: 19 (it says 50th on the site though)
Category Rank: 6 

Overall good race with a great cause (donating money to Calgary's Neonatal Units) and to top it off I donated .990 to Educating Women in Low Income Countries!  What a great mothers day! So proud of myself and all the people who participated! 

Here's us post run!

I think my quote for this run was "I can and I will."  

I hope you all had an amazing mothers day and a great weekend!

Training for my 10 km run on May 31st now so will be running 6 km at a steady pace this afternoon! Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

And Then There Were Two

And Then There Were Two

My buddy is no longer sick so he joined me for the morning run today.  Today we both worked on our stride.  We both have relatively long legs so this made the run go by a tad more quickly.  We even did the hill a little quicker today! He was actually quicker then me! In regards to hills I am wondering if there is a trick to doing it efficiently?  Do you start fast or slow or do you stay stead the way up?  Do you engage your core the whole way?  Do you lean?  If anyone has any insight it would be greatly appreciated.  

Today these were our accomplishments:

Distance: 3.20 km
Average Pace: 10.4 kph
Max Speed: 18.2 kph
$0.61 to the Cancer Foundation

Overall I think this was a successful run with a small donation to a good cause! We are going to do the full 5 km tomorrow to prep for Sunday and then take Saturday off of running. Saturday I am going to focus on yoga and hydration!
Does anyone have tips on what the best activities for a pre run day are?  I know it is only a 5 km but I really would like to get the most out of it!

I hope all of you are having an amazing Thursday! 

My quote today would have to be "Clear your mind of Can't." I find when running it's your head that wants to stop not your heart or your feet! If you are struggling just clear your mind of can't because I know you can!!

5k tomorrow! Wish me luck!

Have a great Thursday!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Running Solo

Go Run!

During the week I tend to run with my friend but today he was home sick.. Rude right? Just kidding I hope he feels better soon! Today was the first day I actually had to run downtown on my own.  I wasn't sure if I would lose motivation or feel crappy.

Since this was my first one I figured I should post a horrible selfie to give visuals to my experience and give you all a play by play.

I started off my outing with some stretching and then a brisk walk to warm everything up.  I blasted a little pop to help keep my energy up.  Usually I listen to rock when i run but pop felt right today. I even switched up my route.  I started off a little slow but I picked up momentum and just ran.  I only wanted to do 3.5 kilometres today but I wanted to see if I could do it faster then normal without my usual motivational partner.

I DID IT! (see horrible selfie below)

My achievements today are:

Distance: 3.20 km
Time: 16 minutes
Max Speed: 16.4 km/hr
Fastest Mile: 8.01 minutes

On my map it shows me a colour map of my pace and I even kept a steady pace the whole time! I guess that wasn't a real play by play but you all get the point. Successful run! CHECK!

I am feeling so great right now! My tip to any of you runners who usually run in pairs is make sure you run a couple times a week for you where you can blast your music and clear your head.

Today I think the quote for my run would have to be "Log Off, Shut down and go run!" Thank you Runners World for this one!

Its a beautiful day today and I highly recommend you take my quote to heart today! Get out there and run!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 4, 2015

If you talk the talk, learn to walk the walk

Talk Is Cheap

It is really easy to make goals and promises.  It's easy to say you are going to do something its the followthrough that is the hard part.  I personally have a hard time doing this sometimes but I have been doing really great with this running thing!

Here are the goals I accomplished last week:

Fastest Mile: 8:28
Longest run: 5 Miles
Total run time: 11.27 Miles
Donated $1.51 to Charity (I forgot to start the charity miles count a couple times)

Look how happy we look about running!

My first run is this Sunday! It is only 5 km but I am excited to enjoy myself with my family and friends while pushing myself to hopefully complete another goal!

I have noticed 5 things that you may find helpful in your run!

  1. Drink half your body weight (in ounces) every day if not more of water. You get less cramps this way.
  2. Cut down on salt and saturated fat. They make you feel heavy when you run and feeling bloated is never fun when you are running.  It's also good for your heart to cut these things out so you should do it anyways.
  3. One cup of coffee per day goes a long way.  If you are going to drink more you better double up on that water.  I have also found that banana's and apples give you a little extra boost throughout the day if you need it!
  4. STRETCH! I can not emphasize this enough! If you don't stretch you are sore the next day and who really wants to be sore if they can prevent it?
  5. Beauty sleep is essential. I think this is different for everyone but I need 8 hours of sleep per night or I am not 100%.

Today I decided to run in the afternoon so I will be going in a couple hours.  I am only going to do three kilometres today but am going to run every day but Saturday this week.

I will diligently write after each day about my progress! I am getting really excited about this run on Sunday!

Wish me luck and I hope you all have an amazing Monday!

My quote for this run is "She is caught somewhere between who she was and who she wants to be." Thanks again pinterest!  I may not be where I want to be just yet but I'm running there!

Pursuit of Happiness

What Makes You Happy?

When you look at your life do you ever wonder if there is more? I read this article today on a girl who gave up money to live. She had a $95k job a great apartment and came to point where she asked herself what she was doing with her life and what it was that she wanted.  I didn't think this was a reality for anyone until about a week ago  I met a guy did similar to this article, he gave up an amazing job, nice cars, money, house to do what makes him happy! It's scary to think that people could do that because I honestly I don't know if I could. I think you really need to make happiness a priority to put yourself over the things that society has made impossible to live without.

I don't know about you but some days I focus so much on my bills and material things I need I lose track of what I love. I found this great quote today that simply the things I love!

I truly do love that morning sip of coffee, connections, wondering, songs and enjoying moments! These things are worth more then money. What makes you happy? What do you love?