Month Overview

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Today I am Full of Questions!

Today I am Full of Questions!

Do you ever wake up and just wonder about everything? Well today thats me! I am have three main areas of questions running, eating, and blogging.  All of these are new and important in my life.  So here it goes!


  1. I noticed I am grumpier when I don't run! Should I start running everyday?  Does anyone know if there is any negative connotation associated with that.  
  2. I am also curious as to how you teach yourself to run lighter.  I am 5'10" and 110 pounds, why on earth do I sound like an elephant when I run?  How do you stop doing that? 
  3. Do you ever notice that everyone does something different with their hands when they run?  Is there any proper way to use your arms when you run?  I would absolutely be into using them as like a propeller or something to give me a little more speed with a lot less effort.  Ok, i know thats unrealistic but I'm sure there is some science behind efficient arm movement while running.
  4. Water... I know its important but do you drink it before you run?  Are those water packs really necessary?  What distance of running to you require hydrating?
  5. I know I have asked this a couple times (in every blog i have wrote) but any tips on the runny nose?  Im ok with the unattractive part of it but the whole wiping your nose throughout a run is annoying.  Any tips?


  1. I am curious is it bad to work out in the morning on an empty stomach? A friend of mine is adamant that its ok as long as you aren't trying to bulk up. I don't really think I am ever going to attempt to bulk up so does that mean its ok for me not to eat till I finish running. If its not what do you eat before a run and how long do you wait to let food settle before you run?  Is it like swimming with the hour waiting period?
  2. Post workout meal.. Protein right?  And do you have to use protein powder or can you just eat chicken?  I'm not a huge fan of the protein powder thing but if its necessary i think i could get into it. I mean I did eat a banana the other day! Are banana's high in protein? (probably a stupid question)
  3. Are carbs really bad after 3pm? One of my friends told me I shouldn't have carbs with dinner... I grew up on pounds of carbs and never heard this until now so clarification would be great!


  1. Is there any specific protocol to blogging that I should be following? I am ok with just rambling, but I am not sure how successful or entertaining that is.
  2. Does anyone know any good blogs that would be good to add to my reading list?
  3. How does this reading list work?
  4. What about names? Do you add peoples names into blogs or do you use alias names?

So these are my questions today! My day is feeling a little BLA. 

Today my quote is "Just keep swimming." Thank you Dory for that one!

Tomorrow I am doing a morning run with my buddy and then another 5 k run at lunch with one of my bosses so wish me luck! 10 km Wednesday Woo! Anyone else in for 10k Wednesday!?

Hopefully I don't embarrass myself too much! Answering my questions could help with the success of these runs! My fate is in your hands!

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