Month Overview

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Setting 2016 Goals!

Be Honest With Yourself!

When setting goals it is great to reach for the stars but on the other hand you should always be realistic in your goals. You have to dig deep and think about the things that you can realistically work on improving. I have put a lot of thought into my goals this year and really looked at my faults from last years training.

Here are the top things I think I was lacking on while training last year.
    • Inconsistency! 
      • In my long runs.
        • Yes I would run regularly but when it comes to your long runs its really easy to justify running less.  When it came down to half marathon training I only ended up doing two 17 km runs... Realistically I really should have been doing more long runs.
      • No one likes hills but really you should do them.  
        • I was lucky that my half marathon was flat because I was easily discouraged when it came to hill running. I would set low goals and not push myself.  Weekly hill runs is essential to training.
      • Cross training should be a regular thing!
        •  Yes I would do yoga or spin but I was not consistent. This would help me avoid injury and build strength in other areas.
      • Eating OK but not ideal
        • I was really good at having smoothies for the most part but my diet was still not ideal.  For the amount of exercise I was doing I really needed to step up my eating plan.  My nutritionist will really help with that over this next training season. 
    • Stretch!
      • I can not emphasize how important it is to stretch! Through my run I had mini pains in my hip and tightness in my legs.  This could have all been avoided with proper stretching.  The tightness really slowed me down and would be the main thing i would notice that would start the "I cant's" in my head during long runs and races. Those are hard to get through as it is so no need to add avoidable barriers. Stretch before and after your runs.  
I think it is also important for everyone to be proud of the things that they were successful at as well.  A little bragging never hurt anyone!

Here is what I am most proud of myself for in
  •  Building up mental strength
    • My greatest accomplishment in 2015 in my opinion was building up my mental strength! It is so easy to be negative when unfortunate things happen in your life and I really focused on being strong and taking care of me.  I honestly believe one of the main reasons I was successful in 2015 was due to my mental strength.  Meditating and listening to my body really helped me stay true to myself.  It also helped me going when times were tough not only in races but in everyday life.  
Based on my 2015 times and accomplishments here are my 2016 goals! I really think if I work on my forthcoming's and keep up with my strengths these goals will all be attainable.
  1. 3:25 Marathon PR
    1. Qualify for Boston 2017 (under 3:35 minute Marathon before September 19th 2016)
  2. 1:35 Half Marathon PR (Currently 1:49 Race PR)
  3. 40 Minute 10 km  PR (Currently 46:16 Race PR)
  4. 19 Minute 5 km PR (Currently 21:18 Race PR)
  5. Touch My Toes 
    1. This one seems a little silly but I haven't been able to do this for years so hopefully I can get to that point this year.
  6. Properly be able to do the Downward Dog yoga pose.  
    1. This pose has been my nemesis for years so 2016 is going to be my year to break that!
So there you have it folks! My 2016 goals are not only going to push me but in my opinion they are quite realistic! It won't be an easy year but in the end I think it will be worth it!

Have a great Wednesday! 

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