Month Overview

Monday, March 14, 2016

Move More Fitness


This has been an amazing year so far!  Last month I received an email letting me know I was accepted as an ambassador for Move More Fitness ! This is such an amazing community and I can feel the love already! It is so important to surround yourself with amazing people that share your journey with! This is such an honor and I cannot wait to meet new friends and inspirations through this program.  For those of you who do not know what Move More Fitness is here is their mission statement.

"Move More Fitness is a community of MOVERS encouraging others to find their "fit". Whether you are an athlete or a weekend warrior, our team of experts and enthusiasts want to help you achieve your goals with education, motivation & inspiration!" -MMF

Move More fitness has a great group of people who work together, driving each other to success. It is such an amazing feeling knowing you have the support of all the members of this fitness family.
Another cool aspect of Move More Fitness is the regular challenges! Right now they have a healthy lifestyle challenge which I am really excited to be a part of!  This challenge is called March Madness. This challenge inspires people to share the healthy happy aspects of their daily routines!   I encourage everyone to follow @movemorefitness!  You can keep us all on the loop by sharing your photos on instagram #marchmadness #movemoremonday and #movemorefitness!
"Let’s lead by example and remind others that this is a journey, not a destination!" -MMF
 Keep up to date with their challenges and whats going on in #MoveMoreFitness world on social media or their website!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

What Are You Running From?

Running to Me


 My mother has taken up yoga. This past week she had gone to an instructor training open house as she is thinking of teaching yoga.  While in this open house there was a group discussion,  she was asked what kind of activities she has been doing.  She stated that she was a runner.  The first thing they asked her was "What are you running from?" She was taken back and said "I am not running from anything I run because it reminds me I am alive."  I got the call as soon as she left that experience and she asked me the same question....

Since I have began running regularly this is a question I am regularly asked, but never in this context. It really made me think.... Why do I run?

This goes back to why I started.  For those of you who have been following my blog you know the base of it all.  Last November I lost my Grandmother who was one of my best friends, following that I had a horrific incident that resulted in me losing part of my finger.  This was a painful experience both mentally and physically.  Yes it hurt, the nerve pain was a pain I would not wish upon anyone. I was also struggling with the mental anguish and the anxiety that comes when your physical image is altered. My mom stayed with me for a week after this happened and following that she lost her mother.  Needless to say it wasn't an easy time for anyone. After the funerals once everything was settled and my wounds were physically healed. I dropped into a form of depression that I had never experienced before.  I went to work, ate and slept until one day my mother and I made a change.  My mother, a runner, got me to join her in her daily workout. I was VERY hesitant. I still don't know how she did it but I ran with her. During that run not only did I lose that gut wrenching feeling associated with the horrible past months, this may have been masked by the god awful cramp I had in my side and the fact that breathing was something I actually had to put effort into but I could feel my heartbeat.

I was alive!

I was not running from anything, I was running because somehow completely exhausting myself made me feel alive and more true to myself then I have ever felt.  It also taught me that I am stronger then you think.  I didn't think I could get off the couch to move let alone run for 30 minutes but I did it! I could do it! That is where it all started, I chose the name of my blog "Running mt Own Life" because of this.  Running brought me back to life!

When things get tough it is so easy to quit. Running has shown me that when you don't give up it's worth it! Believing in yourself is one of the most powerful things you can do.  You are capable so much more then you could even imagine!

So next time someone asks me What am I running from I will tell them I am not running from anything.. I am running to me!

I would love to hear about other peoples journey's. Why do you run?

Friday, March 4, 2016

2016 Spring Summer Race Schedule

My 2016 Spring/Summer Race Schedule

 Here is what I will be running this year as of now! I know I am so excited to finally have this down on paper and organized.  I cannot wait to run every single one of these races!

Legacy Race Calgary, March 12th, 10k
This race is the target race for the 10k running clinic I am coaching at the running room! I am so excited to run this with my team :)

Calgary Police Half Marathon, April 24th, Half Marathon
This is the first year I am running this one.  I am going to use this as a training run and to take some edge off the longer distance in the upcoming weeks.

YMCA Strong Kids Race, April 30th, 10k
This will be my very last race before my Marathon.  I love the cause this one supports!

BMO Vancouver Marathon, May 1st, MY FIRST MARATHON
This will be my very first Marathon.  This race is more focused on finishing with a smile however I do have an ideal goal of finishing under 3:45. 

Sport Chek Mothers Day Run, May 8th, 5k
This was my first official 5k race last year and I had such a blast.  Its also a great way to celebrate Mothers Day!

Run For Women, May 16th, 10k
This is the first year I will be running this race.  I really like the route so I am going to give this one a shot.

Scotiabank Calgary Marathon, May 29th, MY TARGET MARATHON
This is the Marathon I have been training so hard for and is my official target race.  I am hoping to qualify for Boston at this race with a PR of 3:30.  Last year I did the Jugo Juice 10k with my mom and dad and it was a blast! I am really excited for this one... and a little scared.

Color Me Rad, June, 5k Fun Run
This one is still up in the air for me. I had fun with my friends at this one so as long as I get a team in I will for sure do it again.

Stampede Road Race, July 10th, 10k (This is where I got my 10k PR of 46:16 last year!)
I love this race! This was where I got my 10k PR last year and hoping to get a new 10k PR under 45 minutes at this one!

Race for Pace, August, 10k
This was a really fun race last year that I did with my friend. Its super hero themed and was overall a really great time.

There you have it, that is what I am planning so far for this spring and summer.

If you will be at any of these races let me know because I would love to meet you!