Month Overview

Thursday, May 19, 2016

My First Marathon


Well it is official I am finally a Marathoner! Yesterday I ran my very first marathon and cannot believe how alive (and sore) I feel!
The weekend in a whole was amazing.  My boyfriend and I left for Vancouver Friday afternoon.  After a very full but smooth flight we landed in Vancouver.
What a beautiful city! The ride from the airport was when things really started to get real! In less than two days I would be a marathoner.
The stay in Vancouver started off amazing. Our room wasn't ready so they upgraded our room to an ocean view.  The view was amazing so we had to take a couple selfies to celebrate.
From there we got unpacked and headed to the expo to pick up my race pack.  The expo really made things sink in even more.  I was really running a marathon.  I took some pictures but was freaking out completely on the inside.
The next day I had everything planned.  I had an amazing breakfast and ventured out for coffee.  I even got to say a quick hello to my friend Bob (and his girlfriend) who was running the marathon.  He is an AMAZING runner and has ran Boston twice now so he is truly an inspiration.  He let me know I was going to do great which was reassuring and nice to hear.
From there we went on an air plane tour of the city. Daine loves this stuff, I am trying to get into it but definitely get scared at time.  It was really beautiful. I really enjoyed it... For the most part.  Occasionally I may have looked like this....
My boyfriends aunts came and met us to drive the course to calm my nerves. It was breathtaking.  My main concern was the consistent downhills... I mean I train for hills but this course had more down than up.  I knew that I may have to adjust my strategy a tiny bit to ensure I didn't injure myself going down the hills.
IMG_6969 2.JPG
As I am sure most runners do before a race I have a certain traditions the night before my race. First I always eat butternut squash ravioli.  Its my favorite!  I also always have a LUSH Bath bomb bath with their Big Blue bathbomb. This bath was followed by a reassuring phone call from my dad who is training for his first half marathon at the end of May.  He calmed my nerves, stopped my tears and let me know to relax and its just like my other runs with dad. I don't know what it is about parents but they are magic in knowing exactly what you need to hear.  This calmed me enough to move on to the next tradition I have, laying out everything I am going to use/wear during my race.
I think I drive my boyfriend crazy because through all of this I tend to pace and over analyze, which I did the night before this race as well.  I finally fell asleep only waking up 3 times for water and then stayed awake when I woke up a 4th time at 4:30am.
I couldn't believe it was race day! I started by making coffee, slamming some water of course and jumping in the shower.  I had my banana and my pre-race breakfast of oatmeal and a smoothie then continued to get ready.  I phoned my mom and messaged funny pictures to my sisters and brother saying "Race Day."
I know they appreciate my early messages although they are reluctant to say so.  From there I jumped on my boyfriend to remind him it was race day and that I wanted to be 1.5 hours early for my race.  Thank goodness he is so supportive.  He didn't even question me... It may have been the crazy look on my face.  Once I got all dressed up and stretched, rolled and hydrated I was ready to head out.  As we walked out of the hotel I started feeling overcome with nerves.  My boyfriend reassured me that I was going to do great. I am not sure it helped me believe that but realistically he saw me at my worst in more than one occasion and still had faith in me.  I should probably trust his word right?
We stopped for a quick coffee and then followed the trail of runners to the train.  The train was full of marathoners.  Everyone looked so calm.  I figured they were doing the same run as me so I should probably chill out.  I even heard some great advice, do a body check every 10 km, making sure nothing hurt and form was good. When we got to the race grounds my nerves got crazy.  I saw that start line and panicked.  Nothing a quick call to mom can't fix though.
I took my first gel and then I was ready to go.  My boyfriend gave me a great big hug and reminded me I was going to do great.  This time I believed him.  I wiggled my way into my corral and calmed my breath... After a couple selfies of course!
I couldn't believe how many people were there! the sea of marathoners to be went on forever!
At this point it becomes a bit of a blur as I was so focused on staying calm and not letting my nerves get ahead of me.  And we were off! I was officially running my first marathon! The first bit was a struggle to get out of the crowed.  This mile was one of the hardest as everyone was eager to do the exact same thing as me. I remember reminding myself to stay calm and run in the shade.  There was no rush as it was a marathon not a sprint.  That's the only time I have ever been able to use that saying literally. The km markers flew by! The downhill was not something I had trained for and well the front part of my legs began to get sore but I tried to block it out. When I got to km 9 it was hill time! My music made me giggle as I turned the corner to go up the hill Miley Cyrus "The Climb" began to play. I was quite excited because I like up hills.  I train them and love them.  To top it off it was a nice break from the consistent downhill I had been running the last 8k.  This hill lasted a couple km's.  When I got to the top I felt so alive! It hit me again... I was running a marathon!
The run proceeded into the UBC area which was beautiful. The old trees were so nice and the shade was even nicer! I made sure I was stopping at every water station even for a little sip of water and Ultima. The km's began to fly by again.
As we got closer to the water our half way mark started to approach.  At this point I was running slightly ahead of the 4:00 pace bunny.  I could feel the heat.  I noticed people were starting to slow and  some even stopped.  I even saw someone collapse! At that moment I decided that I was going to go as slow as my body needed me too.  I made sure that I was keeping up with my 10 km body checks, stopping by every station for a sip and to pour water on my head.
The crowds cheered which was so amazing, people would say my name (Which was weird at first as I forgot my Bib said it) and fellow runners would cheer me on for running my first marathon. Every few minutes I would be reminded of how my legs still hurt, I don't really remember any point that they felt 100% but I pushed through.  I would follow that reminder with the fact that I was really running my first marathon!
I don't think think any runner says they look great in their race photos but man I have no word for mine.
I made sure to take a gel every ten km's, It was a great little perk up as I was feeling the energy drain from my body.  As I approached the 30 km mark I knew I was getting close to where I would see my boyfriend as he said he would come around Stanley Park. The only picture I am smiling in while running was the second I saw my boyfriend.
He was just the pick up I needed.  I mouthed "This Sucks" to him and smiled.  He smiled back and I continued on my way.  Stanley Park is beautiful and was full of people cheering us on.  Stanley Park is GIANT.  That road felt like it went on forever.
Before I started my race I decided I was going to dedicate each mile to a person I love and count down for the last 10k.  The markers were in km so it kind of messed up my flow but I knew about who's mile I was running. I had also asked each person to send me three songs to listen to while i ran their mile. My music timing wasn't right so I missed that but I still focused on them.
10 km to go! My best friend Tia helped me through mile 20.  She has been my best friend for over 5 years and she has been there and helped me through everything.  I thought of funny stories about things we did and laughed at some of the random stuff we have done through the years.  I could picture her say "Go Jocey Go."  That's just what I did.  I knew if i stopped it would make the pain in my legs worse so I kept going!
8 km to go! My boyfriend Daine was mile 21. He has been there for me and supported me through everything.  I thought of how lucky I am to have someone that will stand in the sun for four hours with the hopes of seeing me, jumping between cheering stations. I could picture him telling me that I could do it and not to be a sissy.  Crazy techno started playing which helped me pick up my speed a bit. I reminded myself to just keep going because I am no sissy! He always knows what to say to make me laugh. I wish the photograper's would have caught me on this mile because I would have been smiling or laughing I am sure.
7 km to go! My brother John was mile 22. My little brother is an amazing person. He is hard working and does everything he puts his mind to.  We don't talk as much as we should but I am so proud of him and I know he is so proud of me.   I am really lucky to have such a great little brother.  I could picture him saying "You Can Do It Sis."  I couldn't stop there I had to keep going.  I knew my brother would push through even if he was tired so that what I did.  I just had to keep moving.  I said that out loud every couple second.. "Keep moving, you can do it."
5 km to go! My sister Sheralee was mile 23. My little sister knows me better than pretty much anyone.  She is strong and supportive.  She is always my go to. The funny part was I she had to coax me to keep moving on my very first 5km run 2 years ago in October. She is also a great cheerleader. This may sound crazy but I think I even argued with her as I could picture her saying I was doing great and to keep going.  I laughed because I figured the people running past me may think I am a little crazy for talking to myself but this was my marathon and I can talk to myself if I want to. Sher would laugh at that too because well she would justify my self talk as well.  I figured I was probably making a horrible face as I run with this almost confused/tired look to me.  Oddly enough I was right... My facial expression was just that.
4 km to go! Mile 24 was my dear old dad.  My dad had been running with me as he is training for him first half marathon on May 29th.  My dad cheers me on, inspires me to be better, and is there to hold me up when I can't take any more. In both running and life.  Luckily with running he hasn't had to help me up because I am stubborn and keep going.  My dad would say (as he did the night before) just think of it as another run with my dad and that I can do this.  He would tell me to quit with the negative talk and that he was so proud of me.  With that I pushed the I cants out and told myself I was doing great and to keep going.  At this point I thought I smiled for the camera but apparently not. My dad always takes amazing race photos... That gene apparently doesn't run in the family. At this point I remember thinking this was never ending.  I repeated to myself again (almost the full last hour I think) You can do it, just keep going.
3 km to go! Mile 25 is dedicated to my sister Kathleen.  She is a fighter and inspires me everyday by her strength and hard work.  She is also kind of a hard a**.  I knew with her she needed to be 25 because the last 10% is always the hardest. Kathleen is so busy with her life. She dances for Shumka and is going to school to be a nurse while also working at the hospital. She never gives up on her dreams!  She also really believes in me which I know all family members but it still means the world to me.  Kath would never sugar coat it if she didn't think I can do it.  Her drive kept me going.  I could hear her say that I'm killing it and that I'll get through.  She has done dance performances in front of thousands of people with a stomach flu so I knew I could manage a couple more miles.  I splashed myself with some water at the next station and reminded myself I am almost done my first marathon! Just a note for any of you who may be running your first marathon in the future do not cry while running.  At this point I was overwhelmed with emotion and started to tear up, I could feel my airway getting a little blocked so I did some breathing exercises to calm me back down.
1 km to go! This is where my fearless momma came into play.  I needed my mom to be mile 26.  She is who started me running, She is who believed in me when I didn't believe in myself and she is the person who would jump in and run with me if she could have.  The past year my mother has been diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis which has made her have to quit running. I was running this for her because I knew she would have loved to run that last mile with me. A couple days before the race my mom sent me the sweetest message.

I repeated those words in my head over and over. The dog days are over is a song my mom used to run too.  This also fits my life as in the past couple years I had gone through a lot with my poor dogs.  I lived through all that and I knew I could get through this last mile.  I could feel her pulling me forward with her positive words.  As I came around the corner a lady yelled out "Great Form Jocelyn."  My mom always poked my tummy when I ran and would emphasize the importance of good form.  So what amazing timing.  As I turned the corner for the final stretch I could see the finish line.
I pulled my core tight and pushed forward. This was it! I was finishing my first marathon! I held back the tears and put all my energy into staying strong through that last UPHILL km which by the way felt like it took a year!  I was doing it! It was real!
As I crossed the finish line I threw my hands in the air and made sure to keep moving I grabbed my medal. 4:07:11 was my official time! I didn't beat the 4 hour goal but I did it and I felt great! At that moment I realized I was a marathoner, who cares about the time! (I always care about time so this was a big moment in my life)
I saw John Stanton who I would have loved to say hi to as I help train runners at the Running Room and have read his book way to many times.  But I was feeling pretty emotional and would love to not cry on him the first time I met him.
I did it! I was a marathoner! This wonderful lady handed me an apple juice and I remember just wanting to walk.  I saw Daine and I am really not sure what I said to him but I figured I would find him.  Note to self make a plan on where you are going to meet your loved one after your marathon.  You do not want to have to walk around looking for them.
Everyone kept congratulating me it was so amazing.  My phone rang. It was my dad!  I burst into tears yelling "Daddy I am a Marathoner!!" He told me he knew I could do it and he was so proud of me!  I hung up and was going to take a couple pictures but my phone died. I proceeded to waddle around looking for Daine.  A nice couple talked to me about my time and how I was feeling. I made my way back to the hotel and Daine called my name and hugged me.  I think I repeated "I am a marathoner" and "that was so hard" one million times that afternoon.
I had some Nuun and a banana, showered and stretched. I then headed to the hotel lounge where I ate the tuna tataki I had been craving followed by beer and a chicken club with french fries.  At this point i remember feeling like food was my favorite thing in the world.

People smiled at my as I waddled by. I wore that medal proudly. I was a marathoner!
Thank you so much to the BMO Vancouver marathon for putting on an amazing event and for all the volunteers that made it possible!  Thank you to all my boyfriend, friends, family, running buddies, fellow runners and bloggers for you support! Thank you the Sweat Pink and Move More Fitness Community for constant encouragement! You have all made my first marathon one to remember and I couldn't have done it without!
If I have one tip for anyone going to run their first marathon it would be to believe in yourself, talk to yourself as much as you need and trust your training because you really can do it!
Can you believe it? I am officially a marathoner!

Marathon Psychological Training

The Hardest Part


 I have been doing a lot of thinking in regards to the last 12 km of my marathon. Do not get me wrong not one part of the race is going to be easy but the last 12 km are the ones that you really have to dig deep for.

When I did my half marathon my psychological training program was based on three areas:

  1. Mental rehearsal and visualization
  2. Imagery
  3. Self-Talk
This is all solely based on the internal struggle associated with endurance running or really any tasks that may take a little extra motivation to get through. 

I realized how much your brain plays a role in my last marathon.  The last 12 km were a race all on there own.  I had been so worried about being physical prepared that I lacked the psychological training I would usually do prior to the race. This time I am going to be prepared.  I have ten days to get my head ready for the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon.
I always encourage myself to try doing things out of my comfort zone as I find that is a big area that helps me build my psychological strength.  This past couple weeks I have joined a Barre study doing two to three classes per week. WOW is Barre a challenge! Every class is different as I am still very new to it all and boy do I ever have to self talk to get through.  Prior to Barre i thought my legs were strong... I ran a marathon, how hard can Barre be right? WRONG! My legs shake and by shake I mean REALLY shake.  They have a mind of their own and almost bounce right off the floor. Although this is getting easier I spend that hour two to three times a week talking myself into keep going.
Now back to running! For this mental training plan I broke my goals into two categories: process and outcome goals. Process goals are based on the training where outcome goals focus more on race day.
Process Goals:
  1. Stick to my training plan
    1. Yoga (Once  a week)
    2. Cross Training (twice a week)
    3. Running 3 times weekly (minimum)
      1. Pace
      2. Hill
      3. Long Run
    4. Proper Tapering
      1. 80% Two weeks out
      2. 25-30% Three weeks out
  2. Eat healthy consistently 
  3. Get more sleep
  4. Read before I go to bed
  5. Smile while I run
Outcome Goals:
  1. Breaking four hours in the marathon
  2. Consistent Pace (5:20)
Now how am I going to complete this?
  1. Smile Reminders every km 😁
  2. Self talk
    1. Reminding myself I can do it
    2. If it was easy everyone would do it
    3. If i quit i will be disappointed in myself
    4. The last ten percent in the hardest
    5. In one more hour this run will be done
  3. Pre set music list
    1. Motivational tunes every 3rd song
      1. Fight Song
      2. Believe
      3. Dog days are over
    2. Good sing along songs
    3. The last 6.2 preset as the song list from my loved ones
  4. Visualization
    1. Picture myself running the marathon
    2. Picture the finish line
    3. Picture how amazing its going to feel to finish
    4. Picture all my cheerleaders in the sidelines
    5. Picture my grandparents cheering for me at the end
  5. Imagery
    1. Imagine I am prepping for the Olympics as top runner
    2. Imagine that running is effortless
    3. Imagine being the first in the race
So that's my plan! Hope it helps you if you are trying to work on mental preparation for a race! If you have any tips they are always appreciated! 
And don't forget If it were easy everyone would do it!  ❤️❤️
*Photographer credits: BMO Vancouver Marathon Marathon Foto and Lee Symborski

Monday, March 14, 2016

Move More Fitness


This has been an amazing year so far!  Last month I received an email letting me know I was accepted as an ambassador for Move More Fitness ! This is such an amazing community and I can feel the love already! It is so important to surround yourself with amazing people that share your journey with! This is such an honor and I cannot wait to meet new friends and inspirations through this program.  For those of you who do not know what Move More Fitness is here is their mission statement.

"Move More Fitness is a community of MOVERS encouraging others to find their "fit". Whether you are an athlete or a weekend warrior, our team of experts and enthusiasts want to help you achieve your goals with education, motivation & inspiration!" -MMF

Move More fitness has a great group of people who work together, driving each other to success. It is such an amazing feeling knowing you have the support of all the members of this fitness family.
Another cool aspect of Move More Fitness is the regular challenges! Right now they have a healthy lifestyle challenge which I am really excited to be a part of!  This challenge is called March Madness. This challenge inspires people to share the healthy happy aspects of their daily routines!   I encourage everyone to follow @movemorefitness!  You can keep us all on the loop by sharing your photos on instagram #marchmadness #movemoremonday and #movemorefitness!
"Let’s lead by example and remind others that this is a journey, not a destination!" -MMF
 Keep up to date with their challenges and whats going on in #MoveMoreFitness world on social media or their website!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

What Are You Running From?

Running to Me


 My mother has taken up yoga. This past week she had gone to an instructor training open house as she is thinking of teaching yoga.  While in this open house there was a group discussion,  she was asked what kind of activities she has been doing.  She stated that she was a runner.  The first thing they asked her was "What are you running from?" She was taken back and said "I am not running from anything I run because it reminds me I am alive."  I got the call as soon as she left that experience and she asked me the same question....

Since I have began running regularly this is a question I am regularly asked, but never in this context. It really made me think.... Why do I run?

This goes back to why I started.  For those of you who have been following my blog you know the base of it all.  Last November I lost my Grandmother who was one of my best friends, following that I had a horrific incident that resulted in me losing part of my finger.  This was a painful experience both mentally and physically.  Yes it hurt, the nerve pain was a pain I would not wish upon anyone. I was also struggling with the mental anguish and the anxiety that comes when your physical image is altered. My mom stayed with me for a week after this happened and following that she lost her mother.  Needless to say it wasn't an easy time for anyone. After the funerals once everything was settled and my wounds were physically healed. I dropped into a form of depression that I had never experienced before.  I went to work, ate and slept until one day my mother and I made a change.  My mother, a runner, got me to join her in her daily workout. I was VERY hesitant. I still don't know how she did it but I ran with her. During that run not only did I lose that gut wrenching feeling associated with the horrible past months, this may have been masked by the god awful cramp I had in my side and the fact that breathing was something I actually had to put effort into but I could feel my heartbeat.

I was alive!

I was not running from anything, I was running because somehow completely exhausting myself made me feel alive and more true to myself then I have ever felt.  It also taught me that I am stronger then you think.  I didn't think I could get off the couch to move let alone run for 30 minutes but I did it! I could do it! That is where it all started, I chose the name of my blog "Running mt Own Life" because of this.  Running brought me back to life!

When things get tough it is so easy to quit. Running has shown me that when you don't give up it's worth it! Believing in yourself is one of the most powerful things you can do.  You are capable so much more then you could even imagine!

So next time someone asks me What am I running from I will tell them I am not running from anything.. I am running to me!

I would love to hear about other peoples journey's. Why do you run?

Friday, March 4, 2016

2016 Spring Summer Race Schedule

My 2016 Spring/Summer Race Schedule

 Here is what I will be running this year as of now! I know I am so excited to finally have this down on paper and organized.  I cannot wait to run every single one of these races!

Legacy Race Calgary, March 12th, 10k
This race is the target race for the 10k running clinic I am coaching at the running room! I am so excited to run this with my team :)

Calgary Police Half Marathon, April 24th, Half Marathon
This is the first year I am running this one.  I am going to use this as a training run and to take some edge off the longer distance in the upcoming weeks.

YMCA Strong Kids Race, April 30th, 10k
This will be my very last race before my Marathon.  I love the cause this one supports!

BMO Vancouver Marathon, May 1st, MY FIRST MARATHON
This will be my very first Marathon.  This race is more focused on finishing with a smile however I do have an ideal goal of finishing under 3:45. 

Sport Chek Mothers Day Run, May 8th, 5k
This was my first official 5k race last year and I had such a blast.  Its also a great way to celebrate Mothers Day!

Run For Women, May 16th, 10k
This is the first year I will be running this race.  I really like the route so I am going to give this one a shot.

Scotiabank Calgary Marathon, May 29th, MY TARGET MARATHON
This is the Marathon I have been training so hard for and is my official target race.  I am hoping to qualify for Boston at this race with a PR of 3:30.  Last year I did the Jugo Juice 10k with my mom and dad and it was a blast! I am really excited for this one... and a little scared.

Color Me Rad, June, 5k Fun Run
This one is still up in the air for me. I had fun with my friends at this one so as long as I get a team in I will for sure do it again.

Stampede Road Race, July 10th, 10k (This is where I got my 10k PR of 46:16 last year!)
I love this race! This was where I got my 10k PR last year and hoping to get a new 10k PR under 45 minutes at this one!

Race for Pace, August, 10k
This was a really fun race last year that I did with my friend. Its super hero themed and was overall a really great time.

There you have it, that is what I am planning so far for this spring and summer.

If you will be at any of these races let me know because I would love to meet you!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Fighting the I CAN'TS


Sometimes life happens and you get so busy you can't keep up. That has been my last two weeks!

I have been so busy with work, company and training. The cherry on top of my busy life is my constant struggle with  the "I Cants" these past couple weeks... I am blaming it on mental exhaustion.  I assume all of you have had this issue but I am going to explain my particular struggle.

Usually when running as long as I get out the door I enjoy my runs.... Not lately. I get out the door and unless I am running with my group I struggle for at least the first 6 km which is a descent distance.  My head seems to have a little bit of a fog questioning my ability to go the distance.  Questioning if I really can do a full marathon by May 1st. 

I have still kept up on my training schedule:

Monday: Pace Run
Tuesday: Strength Training
Wednesday: Hills
Friday: Technique
Sunday: Long Run

I have struggled was believing in myself.  I know many people struggle with this so I am hoping my solution will help you.

On Sunday as all Sundays, I got up and had my smoothie before meeting my running clinic for their longest run to date 10k!  So proud of them!

From there I went home, changed and then took off to part two of my run that is my personal training run and longest run of the week, 11 miles. I packed a gel for energy, had some water and away I went. 

The first 6km as per usual were agonizing, I had every excuse in my head on why I should quit and how I am not good enough to pull off my goals.  Then it hit me! My legs felt great, my breath was steady, I was doing great! An older lady passed me walking so carefully with her cane and smiled and it perked me up even more.  That was it! I am so lucky to be able to run and should enjoy it for that reason alone! I focused the next 4 km's on smiling at every single person that passed by me, I touched the trees, I took a good look at my surrounding and realized I am doing great for me!  As km 10 hit I went to reach for my gel and well it was gone... I must have forgot it.  Those "I cants" tried to sneak in again but I pushed them out with a smile! I spend the remainder of my run smiling at everyone and taking in the beauty of what is running!

Sometimes I get so caught up in the time that I forget the beauty that surrounds running.  The moral of the story is YOU CAN.  I promise you can and those I cants are mental bully's IGNORE THEM and SMILE.

I hope this helps anyone who is going through an I CANT situation.

Dig Deep and Smile, You Can Do it!

Friday, February 12, 2016

I Can't Feel My Legs When I'm With You

Strength and Running Form Workouts!

As I have a lot of important running goals this year with the help of my amazing boyfriend I now have a trainer! We have organized my training into three sections this first one is focusing on form and building a solid foundation.  She has made me two workouts, one for Tuesday and one for Fridays(sometimes Saturday).  They have been super beneficial to me! I can feel myself getting stronger especially when I am picking up speed.  Here they are in case anyone else wants to give them a try! Keep in mind I did strength tests so that they fit exactly what I need so they may not help you as much as they have me.

Warm Up:
5 - 10 Minutes on the Bike of Eliptical (Thermal Activity)
Roll Out Glutes, TFL and Quads

Resistance Stretches:
Kneeling Hip Flexors: 4 Strength, 4 Stretch

Dynamic Stretches:
Leg Swings at Wall (Back and Forth): 10 each side
Lunge and Reach: 5 each side
Hamstring Sweeps: 5 each side
Quad Walk: 5 each side
Glute Pull: 5 each side
Y-W's against wall: 10 

Total Body Workout:

Bracing Sequence with Bandt: 2 x 10
DB Step Up (20 lbs): 3 x10 each side
FB Hamstring Curl (On Ball): 3 x 15

Inclined Push Up: 3 x 15
Modified Pull Up: 3 x 15

Low Lateral Band Walk 3 x 15 each way
Banded Squats: 3 x 15

Pelvic Tilt with Transverse Scoop and Hold: 3 x 10
Floor Rotation (Both arms and legs up): 3 x 10 each side
Single Leg Reverse Curl: 3 x 10 each Side

Running Form Workout:
March (Strong core, cheek to cheek, 90 degree arms): 2 x 20m
Chicken Walk (Strong Core, Flat foot): 2 x 20m
Butt Kicking Run: (Strong Core, kick butt): 2 x 20m

Banded (By ankles) Side lying leg raises: 3 x 10 each side
Banded (By ankles) Side lying leg raises with extension: 3 x 10 each side
Side lying external rotation (90 degree knees): 3 x 10 each side
Sometimes I make my running team do these with me :)
Wall Drives: 3 x 10 each side
Wall Mobility (lying on your side hips and back against wall, move heal up the wall, open hips and move heal back down wall): 3 x 10 each side

Prone T taps: 3 x 15
FB T Scoops: 3 x 15

Front Bridge: 3 x 45
Side Bridge: : 3 x 45
Glute Bridge: : 3 x 45

Cool Down:

5 minutes on bike
Roll Out!

Give it a shot and let me know what you think! If you need any clarification on the excercises do not hesitate to message me!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Week 4: They are beating me.... And Singing Too!

WOW Do My Legs Ever Hurt!

When I was training for my half marathon, don't get me wrong I did get sore occasionally but today is the landmark for officially the most sore I have ever been.  Here is what led up to my terribly sore day!

Monday as per usual I ran with my running group at the Running Room doing a 3 mile pace run.  This one was a quick one but was really nice! The two ladies that ran with me on Monday did so amazing! As a running coach you get to see real progress in people, although one of the girls was a fellow trainer the other one has been with me through both my 5 and 10k clinic and astounds me how much progress she has made! She is even thinking of doing the half marathon when I do the full one  in Calgary! 6 months ago 1 km scared her! What a champ!

Tuesday was the first time I have been able to do my full weight workout without wanting to cry! Well maybe not cry but contemplate giving up. This was a huge step up for me! I am pretty excited about that because I have never been one to life weights.  This one the day I learned to truly appreciate my roller. I use it occasionally but its never been a must for me.  I think now that I know how to use it and feel the benefits of daily rolling its now part of my routine.

On Wednesday we do hills! I was having a bit of a tough day.  I think everyone has days like that but I was contemplating life and having a bit of trouble in relationship land. Again I am going to gush about my Running Team. One of the girls ran all the hills with me (which is a huge step for her) while listening to me rant about all the over dramatic thoughts that were currently going through my head. Now a little history on this girl, she started running with me about 6 months ago and couldn't make it through a minute without wanting to walk.  I would run behind her and motivate her to keep moving as I know how hard it is when you first start running.  Now she is running 4-400m hills at a strong pace, with good form while giving me advice on life! Amazing right! This was one of her strongest hill runs so I think this may be a new tradition, I will implement Whiny Wednesdays and we can all rant as we do our hills, not only does it make the hills go by faster but it helps you work through whatever ales you! After that run I felt so much better and her insight really helped me through the next couple days.  It's so incredible how close you get to the people that you run with.  We are a little running family and I couldn't imagine my life without these amazing ladies!

Thursday I did a 2 mile recovery run.  This was a fun run and is the first time I have ran with music since before Christmas! I forgot how much I loved singing away as I ran.  I really felt great after this one! I also spent some time cleaning my house and realized I have quite the assortment of running fuel!  These are as much part of my routine as running itself! Does anyone have any input on the Alkaline water and powder? I enjoy them but I don't know if there are really any benefits besides the obvious ones of protein and greens?

Friday marked a tough day for my family.  Our little cat that we have had since I was 15 was very sick and we had to put him down. Our family is very tight knit so everyone who lives in Calgary (Mom, Dad, Sister and Boyfriend) all stood together as we said goodbye to our family pet.  It was incredibly hard but I really glad we have each other.  Izzy (The cat) had been suffering from hyperthyroidism and my sister had been struggling to keep him healthy and on track.  His little body just finally could not take it anymore.   I came home that day and cuddled my cat extra tight.

Saturday I did my running form workout. This workout focuses on core strength, muscle training, opening my hips, and weirdly enough marching.

 After my workout I went and put together a care package for my sister as she was heart broken about the loss of our pet.  I was sad as well but as a big sister, you have to make sure your little sisters get through the tough times.  In my family we are true believers that laughter is the best medicine so I based this care package on making her laugh.  It consisted of two lollipops, chocolate, gummy bears, a bottle of "Screw It" wine, a unicorn pen, cheeseburger and fries lip chap, a candle, a Stress Paul (a stress ball in the shape of a man named Paul) and a little sentimental touch of "Forget Me Not" flower growing kit.  If nothing else it brought a smile to her face.  

Sunday marked my longest run to date. I was scheduled for 11 miles as per my training schedule however I do coach runners every Sunday morning through their own long run.  This time they were scheduled for 8 km (we did 7.86 km total). They did amazing! This clinic I have two new joiners! One is this ambitious guy who amazes me every run! He puts so much heart into his run and isn't scared to push himself if its going to get results.  For example on Wednesday we ran 4 hills... he did 5. The other joining is a beautiful bride to be! She is getting married in July and really loves to run so we are here for motivation.  Her positive attitude really improves the runs for the whole group.  Yesterday during our long run she was the bright light that kept most of the group going.  Running long runs is truly a mental exercise and I think everyone in the group is so glad she was there!  As we finished our long run we even got a sprint it!  This was one of the awesome runs that my app didn't start so I didnt get to map out my whole run only the last 3.13 miles.

From there I stretched and heading off to the reservoir to do my Marathon Training Run.  It works out perfect because this loop is just under 11 miles so i don't have to do the same spot over and over (I hate that).  To top it off my parents joined me in this run! My mom road her bike and my dad ran! 

There were some really icy patches where i lost my footing a couple times which added to my soreness.  This run also is jam packed with some pretty intense hills.... I felt great during the whole run! 

Believe by Mumford and Sons is my running song. I don't know what it is about this song but it starts each race for me and really drives me to move forward.  As we got to the last mile Mom road next to me and my song came on, of course I had to start singing and mom joined in! As another running passed us heading in the other direction my dad made a comment about us kicking his butt.  The man responded "Not only that, they are singing too." We got a good laugh about that.  I came home, stretched again, rolled, iced, showered, iced and ended my night with a nice hot bath.  Can you tell my legs were a tad sore?  This is the first time EVER my legs have been sore immediately after a run.  Anyone have any tips there? I have heard about ice baths but I really don't know if I can do that.  I love baths and don't want that to ruin it for me.  

 I saw this quote on one of my fellow bloggers accounts and found it motivational! It read"Just stick with it... What seems hard now will one day be your warm up." Hope this adds a little motivation to your week!  I am excited for what this week has to bring! Tonight I will be doing a 6 km run with my group! Wish me luck and I hope you all have a glorious week!