it is official I am finally a Marathoner! Yesterday I ran my very first
marathon and cannot believe how alive (and sore) I feel!
weekend in a whole was amazing. My boyfriend and I left for Vancouver
Friday afternoon. After a very full but smooth flight we landed in
What a beautiful city! The ride from the airport was
when things really started to get real! In less than two days I would be
a marathoner.
The stay in Vancouver started off amazing. Our room
wasn't ready so they upgraded our room to an ocean view. The view was
amazing so we had to take a couple selfies to celebrate.
there we got unpacked and headed to the expo to pick up my race pack.
The expo really made things sink in even more. I was really running a
marathon. I took some pictures but was freaking out completely on the
next day I had everything planned. I had an amazing breakfast and
ventured out for coffee. I even got to say a quick hello to my friend
Bob (and his girlfriend) who was running the marathon. He is an AMAZING
runner and has ran Boston twice now so he is truly an inspiration. He
let me know I was going to do great which was reassuring and nice to
From there we went on an air plane tour of the city. Daine
loves this stuff, I am trying to get into it but definitely get scared
at time. It was really beautiful. I really enjoyed it... For the most
part. Occasionally I may have looked like this....
boyfriends aunts came and met us to drive the course to calm my nerves.
It was breathtaking. My main concern was the consistent downhills... I
mean I train for hills but this course had more down than up. I knew
that I may have to adjust my strategy a tiny bit to ensure I didn't
injure myself going down the hills.
I am sure most runners do before a race I have a certain traditions the
night before my race. First I always eat butternut squash ravioli. Its
my favorite! I also always have a LUSH Bath bomb bath with their
Big Blue bathbomb.
This bath was followed by a reassuring phone call from my dad who is
training for his first half marathon at the end of May. He calmed my
nerves, stopped my tears and let me know to relax and its just like my
other runs with dad. I don't know what it is about parents but they are
magic in knowing exactly what you need to hear. This calmed me enough
to move on to the next tradition I have, laying out everything I am
going to use/wear during my race.
think I drive my boyfriend crazy because through all of this I tend to
pace and over analyze, which I did the night before this race as well. I
finally fell asleep only waking up 3 times for water and then stayed
awake when I woke up a 4th time at 4:30am.
I couldn't believe it
was race day! I started by making coffee, slamming some water of course
and jumping in the shower. I had my banana and my pre-race breakfast of
oatmeal and a smoothie then continued to get ready. I phoned my mom
and messaged funny pictures to my sisters and brother saying "Race Day."
know they appreciate my early messages although they are reluctant to
say so. From there I jumped on my boyfriend to remind him it was race
day and that I wanted to be 1.5 hours early for my race. Thank goodness
he is so supportive. He didn't even question me... It may have been
the crazy look on my face. Once I got all dressed up and stretched,
rolled and hydrated I was ready to head out. As we walked out of the
hotel I started feeling overcome with nerves. My boyfriend reassured me
that I was going to do great. I am not sure it helped me believe that
but realistically he saw me at my worst in more than one occasion and
still had faith in me. I should probably trust his word right?
stopped for a quick coffee and then followed the trail of runners to
the train. The train was full of marathoners. Everyone looked so
calm. I figured they were doing the same run as me so I should probably
chill out. I even heard some great advice, do a body check every 10
km, making sure nothing hurt and form was good. When we got to the race
grounds my nerves got crazy. I saw that start line and panicked.
Nothing a quick call to mom can't fix though.
took my first gel and then I was ready to go. My boyfriend gave me a
great big hug and reminded me I was going to do great. This time I
believed him. I wiggled my way into my corral and calmed my breath...
After a couple selfies of course!
I couldn't believe how many people were there! the sea of marathoners to be went on forever!

this point it becomes a bit of a blur as I was so focused on staying
calm and not letting my nerves get ahead of me. And we were off! I was
officially running my first marathon! The first bit was a struggle to
get out of the crowed. This mile was one of the hardest as everyone was
eager to do the exact same thing as me. I remember reminding myself to
stay calm and run in the shade. There was no rush as it was a marathon
not a sprint. That's the only time I have ever been able to use that
saying literally. The km markers flew by! The downhill was not something
I had trained for and well the front part of my legs began to get sore
but I tried to block it out. When I got to km 9 it was hill time! My
music made me giggle as I turned the corner to go up the hill Miley
Cyrus "The Climb" began to play. I was quite excited because I like up
hills. I train them and love them. To top it off it was a nice break
from the consistent downhill I had been running the last 8k. This hill
lasted a couple km's. When I got to the top I felt so alive! It hit me
again... I was running a marathon!
The run proceeded into the UBC
area which was beautiful. The old trees were so nice and the shade was
even nicer! I made sure I was stopping at every water station even for a
little sip of water and Ultima. The km's began to fly by again.
we got closer to the water our half way mark started to approach. At
this point I was running slightly ahead of the 4:00 pace bunny. I could
feel the heat. I noticed people were starting to slow and some even
stopped. I even saw someone collapse! At that moment I decided that I
was going to go as slow as my body needed me too. I made sure that I
was keeping up with my 10 km body checks, stopping by every station for a
sip and to pour water on my head.
The crowds cheered which was so
amazing, people would say my name (Which was weird at first as I forgot
my Bib said it) and fellow runners would cheer me on for running my
first marathon. Every few minutes I would be reminded of how my legs
still hurt, I don't really remember any point that they felt 100% but I
pushed through. I would follow that reminder with the fact that I was
really running my first marathon!
I don't think think any runner says they look great in their race photos but man I have no word for mine.
made sure to take a gel every ten km's, It was a great little perk up
as I was feeling the energy drain from my body. As I approached the 30
km mark I knew I was getting close to where I would see my boyfriend as
he said he would come around Stanley Park. The only picture I am smiling
in while running was the second I saw my boyfriend.
was just the pick up I needed. I mouthed "This Sucks" to him and
smiled. He smiled back and I continued on my way. Stanley Park is
beautiful and was full of people cheering us on. Stanley Park is
GIANT. That road felt like it went on forever.
Before I started
my race I decided I was going to dedicate each mile to a person I love
and count down for the last 10k. The markers were in km so it kind of
messed up my flow but I knew about who's mile I was running. I had also
asked each person to send me three songs to listen to while i ran their
mile. My music timing wasn't right so I missed that but I still focused
on them.
km to go! My best friend Tia helped me through mile 20. She has been
my best friend for over 5 years and she has been there and helped me
through everything. I thought of funny stories about things we did and
laughed at some of the random stuff we have done through the years. I
could picture her say "Go Jocey Go." That's just what I did. I knew if
i stopped it would make the pain in my legs worse so I kept going!
km to go! My boyfriend Daine was mile 21. He has been there for me and
supported me through everything. I thought of how lucky I am to have
someone that will stand in the sun for four hours with the hopes of
seeing me, jumping between cheering stations. I could picture him
telling me that I could do it and not to be a sissy. Crazy techno
started playing which helped me pick up my speed a bit. I reminded
myself to just keep going because I am no sissy! He always knows what to
say to make me laugh. I wish the photograper's would have caught me on
this mile because I would have been smiling or laughing I am sure.
km to go! My brother John was mile 22. My little brother is an amazing
person. He is hard working and does everything he puts his mind to. We
don't talk as much as we should but I am so proud of him and I know he
is so proud of me. I am really lucky to have such a great little
brother. I could picture him saying "You Can Do It Sis." I couldn't
stop there I had to keep going. I knew my brother would push through
even if he was tired so that what I did. I just had to keep moving. I
said that out loud every couple second.. "Keep moving, you can do it."
km to go! My sister Sheralee was mile 23. My little sister knows me
better than pretty much anyone. She is strong and supportive. She is
always my go to. The funny part was I she had to coax me to keep moving
on my very first 5km run 2 years ago in October. She is also a great
cheerleader. This may sound crazy but I think I even argued with her as I
could picture her saying I was doing great and to keep going. I
laughed because I figured the people running past me may think I am a
little crazy for talking to myself but this was my marathon and I can
talk to myself if I want to. Sher would laugh at that too because well
she would justify my self talk as well. I figured I was probably making
a horrible face as I run with this almost confused/tired look to me.
Oddly enough I was right... My facial expression was just that.

km to go! Mile 24 was my dear old dad. My dad had been running with me
as he is training for him first half marathon on May 29th. My dad
cheers me on, inspires me to be better, and is there to hold me up when I
can't take any more. In both running and life. Luckily with running he
hasn't had to help me up because I am stubborn and keep going. My dad
would say (as he did the night before) just think of it as another run
with my dad and that I can do this. He would tell me to quit with the
negative talk and that he was so proud of me. With that I pushed the I
cants out and told myself I was doing great and to keep going. At this
point I thought I smiled for the camera but apparently not. My dad
always takes amazing race photos... That gene apparently doesn't run in
the family. At this point I remember thinking this was never ending. I
repeated to myself again (almost the full last hour I think) You can do
it, just keep going.

km to go! Mile 25 is dedicated to my sister Kathleen. She is a fighter
and inspires me everyday by her strength and hard work. She is also
kind of a hard a**. I knew with her she needed to be 25 because the
last 10% is always the hardest. Kathleen is so busy with her life. She
dances for
Shumka and
is going to school to be a nurse while also working at the hospital.
She never gives up on her dreams! She also really believes in me which I
know all family members but it still means the world to me. Kath would
never sugar coat it if she didn't think I can do it. Her drive kept me
going. I could hear her say that I'm killing it and that I'll get
through. She has done dance performances in front of thousands of
people with a stomach flu so I knew I could manage a couple more miles.
I splashed myself with some water at the next station and reminded
myself I am almost done my first marathon! Just a note for any of you
who may be running your first marathon in the future do not cry while
running. At this point I was overwhelmed with emotion and started to
tear up, I could feel my airway getting a little blocked so I did some
breathing exercises to calm me back down.

km to go! This is where my fearless momma came into play. I needed my
mom to be mile 26. She is who started me running, She is who believed
in me when I didn't believe in myself and she is the person who would
jump in and run with me if she could have. The past year my mother has
been diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis which has made her have to quit
running. I was running this for her because I knew she would have loved
to run that last mile with me. A couple days before the race my mom
sent me the sweetest message.

repeated those words in my head over and over. The dog days are over is
a song my mom used to run too. This also fits my life as in the past
couple years I had gone through a lot with my poor dogs. I lived
through all that and I knew I could get through this last mile. I could
feel her pulling me forward with her positive words. As I came around
the corner a lady yelled out "Great Form Jocelyn." My mom always poked
my tummy when I ran and would emphasize the importance of good form. So
what amazing timing. As I turned the corner for the final stretch I
could see the finish line.
pulled my core tight and pushed forward. This was it! I was finishing
my first marathon! I held back the tears and put all my energy into
staying strong through that last UPHILL km which by the way felt like it
took a year! I was doing it! It was real!
As I crossed the
finish line I threw my hands in the air and made sure to keep moving I
grabbed my medal. 4:07:11 was my official time! I didn't beat the 4 hour
goal but I did it and I felt great! At that moment I realized I was a
marathoner, who cares about the time! (I always care about time so this
was a big moment in my life)
I saw John Stanton who I would have
loved to say hi to as I help train runners at the Running Room and have
read his book way to many times. But I was feeling pretty emotional and
would love to not cry on him the first time I met him.
did it! I was a marathoner! This wonderful lady handed me an apple
juice and I remember just wanting to walk. I saw Daine and I am really
not sure what I said to him but I figured I would find him. Note to
self make a plan on where you are going to meet your loved one after
your marathon. You do not want to have to walk around looking for them.
kept congratulating me it was so amazing. My phone rang. It was my
dad! I burst into tears yelling "Daddy I am a Marathoner!!" He told me
he knew I could do it and he was so proud of me! I hung up and was
going to take a couple pictures but my phone died. I proceeded to waddle
around looking for Daine. A nice couple talked to me about my time and
how I was feeling. I made my way back to the hotel and Daine called my
name and hugged me. I think I repeated "I am a marathoner" and "that
was so hard" one million times that afternoon.
had some Nuun and a banana, showered and stretched. I then headed to
the hotel lounge where I ate the tuna tataki I had been craving followed
by beer and a chicken club with french fries. At this point i remember
feeling like food was my favorite thing in the world.
People smiled at my as I waddled by. I wore that medal proudly. I was a marathoner!
Thank you so much to the
BMO Vancouver marathon
for putting on an amazing event and for all the volunteers that made it
possible! Thank you to all my boyfriend, friends, family, running
buddies, fellow runners and bloggers for you support! Thank you the
Sweat Pink and
Move More Fitness Community for constant encouragement! You have all made my first marathon one to remember and I couldn't have done it without!
I have one tip for anyone going to run their first marathon it would be
to believe in yourself, talk to yourself as much as you need and trust
your training because you really can do it!
Can you believe it? I am officially a marathoner!